Fundraising Event

IFES Global Giving Day 2024

  • 22/03/2024 - 30/04/2024
  • Malaysia
USD 11,803
59% Complete
Target : USD 20,000

About Event

For over 75 years, IFES students, staff, and supporters have been striving to see a vibrant student-led witness to Christ in every university in the world. 

IFES first started as a fellowship of ten movements. Standing together as a fellowship was easier to imagine when it was smaller. Now we're a fellowship of 164 movements. It is even more important today for us to participate in sharing and deep communion with one another's experiences and needs of various kinds. How can we speak without words to express that we are standing together with other movements, or with the global fellowship at large? 

Global Giving Day is a way in which we can unleash the generosity of spirit and resources to strengthen and uphold one another. 

Associate General Secretary, Annette Arulrajah says, "I dream that 120 people from different movements or 120 movements will want to be part of unleashing a sense of solidarity, prayer and a sharing of our resources with one another."

We call on you to stand with us.  There are countries, territories, subregions, and campuses where no student witness yet exists, where Christian students feel isolated and non-Christian students have never heard about Jesus.  Will you check-in and be a part of unleashing generosity amongst the Fellowship in IFES? 

Will you give towards our pioneering work this Global Giving Day, so that every student on every campus in the world gets to hear the good news of Jesus?