IDEAS Autism Centre

Malaysia     Children,Disability,Education,Health,Poverty

Fundraisers ( 77 Results )

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

BRIGHTEN THEIR WORLD: Support Autism together this Ramadan In this holy month of Ramadan, where every small act of kindness is magnified, let's extend our hands in generosity with our 'Gifts of Hope' campaign. OSK Foundation, together with OSK Ventures, are reaching out with open hearts to the special kids at IDEAS Autism Centre. We are aiming to collect RM5,000, which we'll proudly match, to brighten up Ramadan and Hari Raya for these wonderful children and their devoted caretakers. Your donations mean warm meals, essential learning tools, and the joy of care. Every ringgit adds up to a big difference!Join us in this season of giving. Together, we can make this Ramadan a memorable one for those at IAC. A small act of your kindness could be a huge leap for them. Let’s donate generously and wrap these young hearts and their families with the warmth of the OSKER community’s care."The true spirit of Ramadan shines brightest when we give from the heart."  

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Raised So Far : MYR 5,785

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

In the heart of a bustling city, nestled within the walls of MILA University, a group of passionate students formed the Rotaract Club with a noble purpose: to support the Ideas Autism Centre. For two years now, their collaboration had been nothing short of transformative.It all began with a simple idea—to foster awareness and understanding for the remarkable children at the Ideas Autism Centre. These were not just any children; they were bright stars in their own right, with futures as promising as anyone else's. The members of the Rotaract Club believed firmly that these children were not defined by their differences but rather celebrated for their unique perspectives and talents.With unwavering determination, the club embarked on various initiatives to raise funds and awareness. From bake sales to charity auctions, every effort was dedicated to providing the children with the resources they needed to flourish. Their goal was not just to support the present needs of the centre but to ensure a future filled with opportunities and possibilities for every child.As the years passed, the bond between the Rotaract Club and the Ideas Autism Centre grew stronger. They were not just partners in philanthropy; they were kindred spirits united by a shared vision of inclusivity and empowerment. The club members were inspired by the dedication and passion of the centre's staff, who worked tirelessly to nurture and educate the children.Through their collaborative efforts, the Rotaract Club and the Ideas Autism Centre were able to make a tangible difference in the lives of countless children and families. They shattered stereotypes and built bridges of understanding, paving the way for a more compassionate and inclusive society.As they looked ahead to the future, the members of the Rotaract Club knew that their journey was far from over. They were proud to be part of such a meaningful cause and were committed to continuing their support for the remarkable children of the Ideas Autism Centre. With every dollar raised and every heart touched, they were reminded of the power of empathy and the boundless potential of every individual, regardless of their differences.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 100

Target : MYR 300

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

A long while ago (actually not too long ago - in 2016!), I had the immense privilege to work with the IDEAS Autism Centre, a wonderful charity that provides care and therapy for young children with autism from underprivileged families. Provision of subsidised /state-funded care in Malaysia can be really difficult to find, and private intervention can be prohibitively expensive for families living hand to mouth as is. Getting the right care and support early to children with autism is so important in ensuring they have the best chance at the lives they deserve. The IDEAS Autism Centre fills in this gap by providing heavily subsidised care and support to these children and their families. I've seen myself the care and warmth that the teachers and staff at the Autism Centre put into the children.They have grown so much in the last few years, having opened another centre in Nilai to provide care to more children! But they need your help to continue their work - please donate whatever you can! MYR10/GBP2 can help provide a meal for a child, or if you're able to give more - MYR100 / GBP20 can help provide a therapy session to a child!Every little bit helps :)  

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Raised So Far : MYR 163

Target : MYR 1,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

IDEAS Autism Centre is a beacon of hope for autistic children from low-income families. With a focus on early intervention, education, and therapy, we cater to 80 students, enabling parents to address both the care of their autistic child and employment barriers. Your support makes a significant difference in their lives.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

I want to ensure that the children of IAC have access to specialized resources, therapies, and support services they need to thrive and succeed.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Mental illness is dangerous   

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Pusat Autisme IDEAS merupakan suar harapan untuk kanak-kanak autisme dari keluarga berpendapatan rendah. Dengan tumpuan pada intervensi awal, pendidikan dan terapi, kami memenuhi keperluan untuk 80 pelajar.Sempena sambutan bulan Ramadan yang mulia, Pusat Autisme IDEAS ingin memohon bantuan anda dalam usaha murni kami dengan bersedekah. Berilah sedekah hari ini dan jadi sebahagian daripada sesuatu yang lebih besar. Setiap sumbangan, besar atau kecil, akan membawa senyuman harapan kepada anak-anak autisme dan keluarga mereka. Nabi SAW pernah bersabda:إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَقْبَلُ الصَّدَقَةَ ، وَيَأْخُذُهَا بِيَمِينِهِ ، فَيُرَبِّيهَا لأَحَدِكُمْ كَمَا يُرَبِّي أَحَدُكُمْ مُهْرَهُ ، حَتَّى إِنَّ اللُّقْمَةَ لَتَصِيرُ مِثْلَ أُحُدٍMaksudnya: “Sesungguhnya Allah menerima amalan sedekah dan mengambilnya dengan tangan kanan-Nya. Lalu Allah mengembangkan pahalanya untuk salah seorang dari kamu, sebagaimana kamu membiakkan seekor anak kuda. Sehingga sedekah yang hanya sebiji boleh berkembang hingga sebesar gunung Uhud.”Riwayat al-Tirmizi (662). Firman Allah SWT:الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُم بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ سِرًّا وَعَلَانِيَةً فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَMaksudnya: Orang-orang yang membelanjakan (mendermakan) hartanya pada waktu malam dan siang, dengan cara sulit atau terbuka, maka mereka beroleh pahala di sisi Tuhan mereka, dan tidak ada kebimbangan (dari berlakunya kejadian yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka, serta mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita.(Surah al-Baqarah: 274)  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

OSK Foundation Gifts of Hope ProgrammeIn embracing the spirit of togetherness, OSK Foundation, the philanthropic arm of OSK Group and OSK Ventures International Berhad, is joining hands with IDEAS Autism Centre and fellow Malaysians in “Bringing Smiles To Autistic Children This Ramadan” through its signature Gifts of Hope programme. The collaboration will enable all OSK Group and OSK Ventures International Bhd employees across all its business operations to contribute funds that will go towards providing essential food, education, therapies, and training programmes to these special children and their caretakers, and ensuring that they can experience the joy, love, and blessings of Ramadan.As part of its commitment to support the well-being of our community, every ringgit contributed by OSK Group and OSK Ventures International Bhd employees in the fundraising campaign will be matched by OSK Foundation.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Greetings!Throughout this month of Ramadan, many of us are blessed with basic necessities such as food for Sahoor and Iftar. Yet, finding food for Sahoor and Iftar might be difficult for others.When we are fortunate, let us lend a helping hand to those in need! During this Ramadan, you may feed a kid for as little as RM10 or a family for as little as RM50.There is no amount of contribution that is too little or too large; every single cent given to charity benefits someone's life.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 375

Target : MYR 500

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

IDEAS Autism Centre (IAC) is an early intervention initiative, offering a full-day service of quality care, therapy and education for autistic children between the ages of 3 to 9 years old from the underprivileged families (B40).Donating even a little amount may make a huge difference in the lives of these children.Every day, people like you help us make a difference in the world.I appreciate you thinking about helping out with a donation. 💖  

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Raised So Far : MYR 75

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

IDEAS Autism Centre (IAC) is an early intervention initiative, offering a full-day service of quality care, therapy and education for autistic children between the ages of 3 to 9 years old from the underprivileged families (B40).The children studying at IDEAS will benefit directly from your donations of food, therapy, and other necessities over Ramadan. A heartfelt "thank you" for your generous donation and the thoughtfulness behind it.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,822

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

For autistic children between the ages of 3 and 9 from low-income families, the IDEAS Autism Center (IAC) provides a full-day service of high-quality care, treatment, and education (B40).The present economic climate has resulted in a cost-of-living problem that is especially devastating to the lowest-income members of society. In light of this, IDEAS Autism Centre works to lessen the load by providing high-quality instruction and therapy. To that end, all funds raised will be used directly towards the care and well-being of the children enrolled at the centre.One person's life may be changed forever by your kindness. Help make a difference right now by making a donation. Also, the greatest reward is received for donating throughout the holy month of Ramadan.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,000

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Raising an autistic child can be a challenge to the parents especially for those who didn’t get support.Therefore, I am thankful that IDEAS Autism Centre has been a dedicated centre that gives full support to parents with autistic kids by ensuring that their children are getting the proper education and therapy they need. Let’s join IDEAS Autism Centre to continue giving their support to their students by giving your contribution. Any amount is very meaningful to them.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 250

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

IDEAS Autism Centre (IAC) is an early intervention initiative, offering a full-day service of quality care, therapy and education for autistic children between the ages of 3 to 9 years old from the underprivileged families (B40).The funds raised will be used entirely to pay for necessities like food and therapy.If you were to donate, it would mean a lot to the children and help ensure their future happiness.The kind deeds of its people are the best measure of that community's excellence. During Ramadan, please consider making a donation to a worthy cause.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 100

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Students at IDEAS Autism Centre are from low-income families.This contribution will go towards providing for the basic needs (food, therapy, etc.) of the children attending IDEAS Autism Centre.There is no such thing as a small donation. Throughout the beautiful month of Ramadan, consider making a donation to help feed the underprivileged.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 170

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

For autistic kids aged 3 to 9 from low-income families (B40), IDEAS Autism Centre (IAC) provides a comprehensive day of care, therapy, and education.The center's children will be the only beneficiaries of any contributions made during this Ramadan. Please help out with a donation.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,225

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

We would like to make this Ramadan to be truly meaningful not only to our family but also to the children at IDEAS Autism Centre. Please join us to raise funds for their education and therapy. Your donation will have a big impact in their life.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 500

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Children from the B40 community are given priority for care at the IDEAS Autism Centre.Make a difference in their lives by making a small donation. During the holy month of Ramadan, the assistance that you provide might give people in need hope.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Your contribution will help support the IDEAS Autism Centre, food supplies, and professional education for autistic children. 💗Let's make sure the love and compassion we have for one another is passed down to future generations. Your contribution can help make it happen.for your generosity.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 50

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
IDEAS Autism Centre

Donating money is a great way to provide a helping hand to those who need it. You can be a part of the effort to supply the children at the IDEAS Autism Centre with food, education, and other necessities by making a donation of any amount, even the smallest amount. I am happy to be a part of this, and during the month of Ramadan, I hope you would consider making a donation as well. 😊  

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Raised So Far : MYR 330

Target : MYR 3,000