
Thanks for your coming to our wedding and being part of our special day! We have opted for donations rather than gifts and our charity of choice is Mothers Choice. Thank you for your generosity in advance!

My Story

Thank you for clicking to this page. Mothers choice is a charity very close our hearts. We aim to share with you our stories below: 

'A vicious cycle' by Marc 
Growing up in South Africa, I saw abject poverty. The contrast between the haves and have-nots could not have been more starker – something that was not lost on me. It is ingrained in you from a very young age and you quickly realise that the world is not a fair place. Recognizing this helped me develop a mindset to be grateful for what we have and to not only help others in need but also help others help themselves. My interest in Mother’s Choice started with learning about the challenges that some mothers in Hong Kong face. I thought, “How could the mothers find themselves in this situation? What has happened in society that has allowed this to occur?”I could rationalise the situation in Africa because of limited education and means. The cycle of poverty begins with young girls not being able to get education, know nothing about life, getting  pregnant very young and forced to do anything that can to survive – so begins the the vicious cycle from which they are unlikely to ever break out. But then you come to a place like Hong Kong – a rich city – yet women still find themselves on the streets and you understand that there is this complicated, cultural dimension – like what blood means in Chinese families. It is a very different situation. Why does Hong Kong feel so third world and why is society HERE struggling with this vicious cycle? It was only way much later that I actually began to think about the children. Babies are the outcome of a broken paradigm, and that goes back to how life is unfair.   Marc 

Love goes both ways by Erin 
Volunteering at Mother’s Choice is rewarding – it is the gift that keeps on giving. The reward starts the moment I walk into a room full of smiling babies, gurgling their welcome and greeting me with open arms. Mother’s Choice creates an environment that allows volunteers and babies to be at ease with each other.  There is a saying that to give better than to receive.  But my experience at Mother’s Choice has shown me a deeper revelation that to give is to receive.  Love goes both ways; I have simultaneously given of myself and received abundantly at Mother’s Choice. Erin

Recent Donors

  • Anonymous

    HKD 5,000 10/13/2020 06:25:44 AM UTC

  • Alex McD

    Marc and Erin - many, many congratulations for your magical marriage and your life together. And what a wonderful cause! Lots of love to you both, Alex xx

    HKD 5,000 10/10/2020 09:23:16 AM UTC

  • Kristina Trushnikova

    HKD 1,000 10/04/2020 07:27:20 AM UTC

  • Danny Fung

    HKD 100 10/03/2020 04:53:31 PM UTC

  • sebastian paredes

    Dear Erin & Marc, may your marrriage be blessed and mayyou spend your life happily ever after....

    HKD 5,000 09/24/2020 08:18:50 AM UTC

  • JEB Greater Ltd

    HKD 5,000 09/23/2020 11:39:19 PM UTC

  • Eunice Tsu


    HKD 50 09/18/2020 02:57:20 AM UTC

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