
Thank you for your generous donation to AWAM. We are thrilled to have your support. Your donation brings our country one step closer to breaking the vicious cycle of sexual harassment. You truly make a difference for us, and we are extremely grateful!

My Story

Good day! We are students from INTI International Subang College, participating in the community service course (MPU 3442), which requires us to do volunteer work for the organization of our desired choice! Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we are unable to carry out various voluntary activities for the organization. Hence, our main goal is online crowdfunding. Despite this situation, we are striving to make the most of it by choosing an organization that is meaningful to us and that we are impassioned about! As we share the details of the organization, we hope you have a deeper understanding of our goals!

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), an independent feminist NGO tends to build a movement to inform, connect and mobilizes towards the victims of gender-based violence (GBV) such as sexual harassment under the feminist principles. AWAM do provide free counselling services, public education and works directly with government ministry to establish the movement on GBV issues. They are guided in their work with five core values: Collectivism; Compassion & Respect; Courage, Equality and Justice; Integrity.

Regarding the online crowdfunding purpose, we aim:
•To financially support the organizations of All Women Action Society (AWAM) especially during this pandemic
•To recruit new supporters and donors by sharing the information on social media such as Instagram and Facebook.
•To raise awareness within the society regarding domestic violence and sexual harassment.

Fully appreciate your support for bringing a better society to our country.

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