Hunger Hurts
And hunger hurt a lot of people over the last three years, during the global pandemic and the resulting global economic slowdown.
During this time, we stepped up our activities, to reach out to individuals, households and organisations adversely affected by the global pandemic.
We increased our:
But we have also been adversely affected by the global pandemic, the economic downturn and the cost of living crisis.
Financial contributions and meal sponsorships have decreased while the cost of utilities, food and non-food necessities have increased.
To give an example, the wholesale cost of one C-grade egg has risen from MYR0.38 to RM0.48 in the 15 months from November 2021 to February 2023. That's a rise from MYR11.40 to MYR 14.40 per tray of 30 eggs, an increase of over 25% for an essential protein.
The Pit Stop Stop Community Cafe now needs your help to continue helping others.
To continue funding our operations and activities for this year, we will need your help. Our funds will go towards:
All contributions will go towards our operations costs.
For stories and updates, please visit our Facebook page at:
For the latest updates, please do have a look at our instagram at
To reach out to us, please email us at [email protected]
Thank you