
We are making a difference by raising money for our education sector. Please support us by donating.

My Story

Hello everyone! This team consist of Afief & Syazwan and we are fundraising for Small Changes' flagship project: Seeds of Deeds 2024.

What is SOD?
It is an empowerment camp that aims to cater the issue of education inequity. Not only that, it aims to increase English confidence among the beneficiaries and give an insight into education pathways after school. This project also helps to provide skills and confidence to prepare the beneficiaries for the future and enhance their emotional intelligence.

Purpose of Donates & Discovers
This fundraising big purpose is to educate people on the significance of reading and the power of knowledge. For every money donated, we will share personally to you some topic summary from any book, article journal etc. With shared compassion and interest, we would like to expect a society encompasses of a leader who seeks to his/her personal growth by reading.

How does it work?
Every RM10 donated, we will give you a topic summary from any of these two books you would like to choose. The books are; 

1. The Shifting Dynamics of Great Power Competition.
2. Leaders Eat Last.

Once you have donated, please ensure to keep your receipt as a payment proof and we will be distributing a google form link for you to fill in some necessary information. This is confidential and your data only be used for topic summary purposes.

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