I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.
My Story
My superhero (dad) was diagnosed with Young Onset Lewy Body Dementia plus Parkinson since the first symptoms which emerged 14 years ago. Despite the obstacles, he remains jovial and optimistic especially around his family and friends. Given his medical condition, he had no choice but to leave his previous employment and up till today, he is unemployed. His caregiver (my mum) is a full time housewife and takes great pride in ensuring that my dad is well taken care of. In spite of the medical subsidies given, they still had to bear a large amount of medical cost for his hospital consultations with the specialist, treatments and the medications.
As we celebrate Grandparents Day, we would like to seek for your support and kind donation to Alzheimer's Disease Association (ADA). A little donation goes a long way in helping ADA to help and assist the dementia community. With that, I would like to personally thank you for your donation.