
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

第一次参与Go Bald是2015年,也是我第一次更了解有关癌症儿童。仔细想想,天真无邪的孩子在还没理解生老病死就被疾病缠身。一些因为治疗而落发的孩子,被其他人投以异样眼光,这是我最心疼的。对我来说每一个人都应该是特别的,那个特别也不应该被歧视。我选择再次参与Go Bald就是想要让大家更关注这件事情,也想让孩子们知道每一个人都应该是独特的,不要害怕别人的眼光,更不要对别人投以异样的眼光。


In 2015, it was my first time joining the Go Bald event and it gave me the opportunity to know more about child cancer. Imagine an innocent kid who has yet to grasp the concept of illnesses and deaths but has been diagnosed with cancer. The most heart-wrenching part is where kids who lost their hair due to the cancer treatment had to be given a peculiar look by people around them. In my opinion, everyone is special and no one should be discriminated against for that. The reason I choose to join Go Bald again is to raise more awareness on this matter as well as to let every child know that they are special in their own way, don’t be scared of other people’s peculiar looks and at the same time, to never give those looks to other people too.

When everyone is focusing on the virus outbreak, let’s not forget these young warriors. In my previous interviews with doctors, cancer patients have higher risks of contracting the virus compared to others. And so, I wish to contribute a small part to these young warriors. Thank you everyone for your generosity and kindness.

Going bald on fb live on AddyMonkey Facebook at 17th of May 2020

Recent Donors

  • Yoyo

    MYR 22 05/21/2020 07:12:15 AM UTC

  • Jong Wan Ling

    MYR 50 05/19/2020 12:12:48 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 30 05/18/2020 01:46:44 PM UTC

  • Chin Tet Yee

    A little help thanks to Addy's sacrifice

    MYR 30 05/17/2020 07:12:47 AM UTC

  • Nee

    MYR 20 05/17/2020 04:49:20 AM UTC

  • Hehe Hehe

    MYR 50 05/17/2020 04:43:03 AM UTC

  • Rachel Wong

    Gambateh💪👍 Stay home, Stay safe

    MYR 20 05/17/2020 04:27:26 AM UTC

  • Chin Yan Ying

    MYR 50 05/17/2020 04:01:37 AM UTC


    MYR 200 05/17/2020 03:54:49 AM UTC

  • Jiaying Kiew

    MYR 50 05/17/2020 03:27:03 AM UTC

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