Food Aid Foundation

Malaysia     Humanitarian Aid,Social Welfare,Welfare

Fundraisers ( 8 Results )

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

Case description:Mr. Ridhwan, a 60-year-old man in need of urgent medical attention for his suffering from cellulitis on his left leg since 2017. His vein on that leg is severely damaged, causing it to swell, with water leaking from it due to the intense pressure. On top of that, Mr. Ridhwan has diabetes, heart disease and suffers from high blood pressure.Compounding his situation is his wife, who is also of a similar age. She works as a cleaner, and the two of them are struggling to make ends meet. Making matters more difficult is the fact that Mr. Ridhwan and his wife are living with his 8 year old grandson and his 30 year old son -- an ex-convict with a history of bankruptcy. As such, the son is only able to take on basic jobs that don't quite provide them with the means to pay for the medical treatments that Mr. Ridhwan desperately needs. I recognize the urgent and difficult situation being faced by Mr. Ridhwan and his family and urge people of goodwill in the community to reach out with financial assistance or whatever help they can provide. I urge all Non Governmental Organisations to come forward to lend a hand and help this family out in this difficult time of need. Let us come together as a collective and define our humanity by helping those in need.Thank you for reading this. We urge you to help Mr. Ridhwan receive the medical attention and any kind of help he desperately needs.From what I've known, the medical treatments he needs to manage his condition are expensive, and he needs our help to cover the costs. That's why I'm calling on all those who can to donate what they can towards helping Mr. Ridhwan cover the costs of his medical bills.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 12,000

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

1人10元 10个人就有100元了,哪怕今天1元 你也可以捐 在乎的也是你一份心意!快来吧 你的小小举动是他们的一天饭钱🥰  

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Raised So Far : MYR 10

Target : MYR 5,200

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation


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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 300

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

This year, I’m planning to fundraise (RM3000/AUD1000) to help feed Malaysians who have been affected by the pandemic.Hello, it’s August which means it’s officially my birthday month and just like the last couple of years, I’m organising a fundraiser in lieu of receiving gifts (although I’m not opposed to getting both hehe). To kick it off, I've donated $50 from my own pocket.Food Aid Foundation is a Malaysian food bank that focuses on feeding the community AND reducing food waste. They collect unwanted/extra food from manufacturers, retailers, corporations to be distributed to welfare/charitable homes, homeless shelters, refugee communities etc. The pandemic hasn’t been easy for anyone, including those in Malaysia aka the country I grew up in. The nation has been dealing with over 15,000 COVID cases daily and has recorded over 9,000 deaths due to reasons I shall not delve into (hint: it starts with the letter g and ends with the letters overnment). Lockdowns and restrictions have led to many Malaysians losing their jobs. With many unable to support their families and the increased social isolation, some have even taken their own lives. The rise in deaths by suicide has sparked a movement called the BenderaPutih [White Flag] movement, an initiative that encourages struggling Malaysians to raise a white flag as a way to ask for help, especially in terms of food or financial assistance. This fundraiser is especially dear to me, especially since I’ve written about the White Flag movement and heard personal stories from Malaysians who are struggling to feed their families. I would really appreciate it if you could donate, even if it’s just a few dollars/ringgit. for reading this far and I hope you're staying safe!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,661

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

No have work please help me 👏😭  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 500

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

As the global HR leader, we have worked hard - since our founding 60 years ago - to make a tangible and positive impact on society. Three years ago, we underpinned that commitment by setting our ultimate goal - to touch the work lives of 500 million people worldwide by 2030. Going beyond our commitment to support our customers, be it organisations or individuals, in reaching their true potential, we are also 'paying it forward' through our community initiatives both locally and globally. Randstad With Heart is a global initiative that enables us to support communities in need of our help. People are at the heart of our business and it is only natural for us to ensure that everyone receives equal opportunities for education, living and jobs. In Malaysia, Randstad is a proud supporter of 'Food Aid Foundation’. Food Aid Foundation (FAF) is an NGO that operates as a foodbank with the primary objective of providing basic food to charitable homes, rehabilitation centres, feeding centres, poor families and destitutes. While the statistics of edible food being sent to landfill stands at 3,000 tones daily, FAF faces issues of malnourishment and lack of nutritious food among those living in poverty and is in need of donations more than ever. Join us in our journey to ensure that the less-privileged families and individuals continue to receive care as we emerge stronger from this pandemic. 100% of funds raised by Randstad Malaysia will go to Food Aid Foundation. No amount of donation is too small. Together we will make a great impact with our efforts.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people currently lack a source of income and have been unable to support their families. Underserved communities are in desperate need of food relief during this time.The Food Aid Foundation has been alleviating hunger for the past 6 years by distributing both surplus food and store-bought food to those in need. In addition to their regular charities and recipients, they have recently been receiving additional requests for aid from up to 300 families a day and have had to scale up their operations. Moreover, as many charities have seen cuts in funding and donations, their work is extremely important to help keep them fed and afloat.Some of their work during the MCO period:Providing weekly food provisions to their charity partnersDelivering essential food items to vulnerable communities and familiesSupplying hot meals to underprivileged studentsRescuing and redistributing surplus food from manufacturers We (Ee Jenn and Matteo) are two secondary school students who are seeking to support their mission to feed the hungry and make a difference in any way we can. In this time of uncertainty, we believe that we should come together as a community and do our part to support each other. Our fundraising goal is RM2500, but we would be extremely grateful if we could surpass this. 100% of the funds raised will be channelled towards the Food Aid Foundation to provide food relief.Please donate to our cause - even a small amount can make a significant impact on the life of someone in need. Thank you!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 2,500

Fundraising for:
Food Aid Foundation

UPDATE: Thank you for the positive response so far! Since this fundraiser was meant to be for a month, we have decided to increase our target to RM 5000 so that we can increase our impact.  Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many people currently lack a source of income and have been unable to support their families. Underserved communities are in desperate need of food relief during this time.The Food Aid Foundation has been alleviating hunger for the past 6 years by distributing both surplus food and store-bought food to those in need, all across Malaysia. In addition to their regular charities and recipients, they have recently been receiving additional requests for aid from up to 300 families a day and have had to scale up their operations. Moreover, as many charities have seen cuts in funding and donations, their work is extremely important to help keep them fed and afloat.Some of their work during the MCO period:Providing weekly food provisions to their charity partnersDelivering essential food items to vulnerable communities and familiesSupplying hot meals to underprivileged studentsRescuing and redistributing surplus food from manufacturers We (Ee Jenn and Matteo) are two secondary school students who are seeking to support their mission to feed the hungry and make a difference in any way we can. In this time of uncertainty, we believe that we should come together as a community and do our part to support each other. Our fundraising goal is RM2500, but we would be extremely grateful if we could surpass this. 100% of the funds raised will be channelled towards the Food Aid Foundation to provide food relief.Please donate to our cause - even a small amount can make a significant impact on the life of someone in need. Thank you!Check out or for more information, or contact us about this fundraising effort at [email protected]   

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Raised So Far : MYR 4,268

Target : MYR 5,000