Wicked Good Indonesia

Indonesia     Disaster Relief,Education,Poverty,Women,Youth

Fundraisers ( 4 Results )

Fundraising for:
Wicked Good Indonesia


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Raised So Far : EUR 0

Target : EUR 1,500

Fundraising for:
Wicked Good Indonesia

Merakit Layang-Layang, Untuk Biaya Operasi Kanker Tiroidnya Yang Makin Kritis ”Awalnya saya cuma ngerasa gatal di Ieher, tapi tambah lama muncul benjolan dan gede kayak gini sekarang.. Rasanya panas sekali dan sakit, tapi saya belom punya uang buat operasi Saya gak pengen ngerepotin anak sama suami.. jadi saya berusaha cari uang sendiri buat operasi, jualan layang-layang.. Seminggu dapet 30 ribu.. Uangnya saya tabung Mohon bantuannya supaya uang operasi saya cepet kekumpul ..” iBu ijah Wajah ibu ijah menahan sakit saat tengah merakit Iayang-layang. Namun ia tak boleh berhenti, demi dapatkan upah yang nanti ia gunakan untuk operasi angkat benjolan kankernya. Di benaknya, sudah cukup beberapa bulan ini merepotkan anak dan suami, yang hanya seorang petani. Kadang makan saja kurang, apalagi untuk biayai operasinya puluhan juta. Namun, sel kanker ganas di kelenjar tiroldnya tak bisa diajak kompromi. Benjolan itu makin besar, buatnya kadang tak terlihat merakit Iayang-Iayang. iBu ijah berbaring lemah kesakitan. Ia mengerang sakit saat cairan keluar dari benjolan itu setiap hari. Genggaman lemahnya meraih lap bekas, untuk mengelap cairan-cairan berbau tak sedap itu. Tak hanya fisik, hatinya juga sakit. Dengar omongan orang terhadapnya. ia simpan luka itu dalam-dalam, karena ia sudah cukup pedih menanggung sakit kankernya yang makin kritis. #OrangBaik, kita bisa bantu redakan sakit iBu ijah dengan berbagi sedikit rezeki, bersama kita bawa iBu ljah operasi! Dengan cara: 1. Klik tombol "DONASI" 2. Masukkan nominal donasi 3. Pilih metode pembayaran Tak hanya berdonasi secara materil, #OrangBaik juga bisa membagikan halaman galang dana ini agar bisa bantu iBu ljah segerajalani operasi pengangkatan benjolan kankernya!  

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Raised So Far : EUR 0

Target : EUR 500,000

Fundraising for:
Wicked Good Indonesia

I am a volunteer for humanity since when I was 11 years old. Charity, Love, and Purpose are my things.  

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Raised So Far : EUR 0

Target : EUR 20,000

Fundraising for:
Wicked Good Indonesia

The Story of FloresWhen food is not a given anymore.When you do not know when you can give your 6 year old her next rice meal.When you cannot go out to find work, so she and your entire family of 9 can eat.This is the story of Flores, Indonesia. In one of the normally flourishing tourism towns. The streets are deserted, the supermarket is still open but empty, even the pasar, the local market where families sell their crops, is by no means the normal hustle and bustle of playing children, caring mothers, and a constant in and out of cars with fresh produce.For years the people of Flores (with almost 2 million inhabitants) have been drawn to the bustling gateway to Komodo National Park in the hope to find work in tourism and support families back in their villages.More and more people every year turn the Tourist dollar into food, homes, healthcare, schooling for siblings and financial security for their families.Last March this came to an abrupt halt. All tourists packed their backpacks and started on their long routes home. Businesses started closing one by one in the hope to survive until the tourists come back again.This left the people of Flores and their families stranded. No tourist means no income, and no income is no food for the many families, that are dependent on Tourism. What your can do:We have set up food packages, essentials like rice, oil, cabbage, coffee, drinking water and soap. Help us help the People of Flores. Donate today!With 500.000 Indonesian Rupiah, the equivalent of 30EUR a family of 4 can eat for 2 weeks.  But also 10EUR gives relief to a family.Contact us, with ideas of finding income for a community that is highly dependent on tourism. Share your love for Komodo and this appeal for help.With our target amount of 5.000EUR we can help more then 80 families with food and essentials for a month. We are in our second month of our appeal, we aim to reach the same target! Thank you so much for all support, it means so much <3  

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Raised So Far : EUR 0

Target : EUR 500