Fundraising Event

Klimb For Kancer 2016

  • 6/24/2016 - 9/17/2016
  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 4,331
43% Complete
Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraisers ( 3 Results )

Fundraising for:
MAKNA | Majlis Kanser Nasional

Sebagai sebahagian daripada MAKNA selama 13 tahun yang berpangkalan di Pusat Kanser PPUKM-MAKNA, saya telah mendapat peluang untuk memahami apa sebenarnya kanser kepada pesakit yang mengidapi penyakit tersebut. Juga mendalami bebanan pesakit ketika mendapatkan rawatan, di mana kos rawatan yang tinggi menyukarkan sesetengah pesakit menjalani rawatan susulan.       Matlamat kehidupan yang paling kuat adalah kita belajar dengan memberi sokongan kepada orang lain. Mendaki Gunung Kinabalu bukan sahaja akan menjadi pengalaman mendaki pertama saya tetapi yang paling penting, cabaran ini akan memberikan keistimewaan untuk menyumbang kepada salah satu daripada sebab-sebab yang paling mulia yang boleh wujud kerana ia menyokong pesakit kanser yang lebih memerlukan untuk teruskan kehidupan. Erti kehidupan ini bermakna untuk kita semua untuk menghargai setiap saat hidup tanpa berputus asa, mengasihi dan mengambil berat tentang mereka dan memberi yang terbaik untuk menyumbang kepada masyarakat. Dengan ini kita menyokong orang lain dan saya telah memutuskan untuk mendaki Gunung Kinabalu (walaupun tidak mempunyai pengalaman mendaki) sebagai sebahagian daripada MAKNA "Klimb Kinabalu – Fight Against Cancer” kempen 2016 untuk menyokong inspirasi organisasi dalam misi untuk menguruskan, penyelidikan dan perkhidmatan sokongan pencegahan pemyembuhan kepada pesakit kanser dan keluarga mereka, kumpulan berisiko tinggi dan orang awam.   Kumpulan kami seramai 13 pendaki berjanji mengumpul RM100,000 untuk membantu pesakit kanser. Matlamat saya untuk mensasarkan RM5000 semasa perjalanan ini dan dengan bantuan murah hati ANDA, kami akan dapat membuat sumbangan kecil ini berkesan untuk pesakit kanser yang lebih memerlukanya.   Sekian, terima kasih.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 225

Target : MYR 5,000

Fundraising for:
MAKNA | Majlis Kanser Nasional

Hola!My name is Camilo i'm 30 years old, and a proud son of Icononzo, a small town at the center of the Andean mountains in Colombia. Having dedicated my career to work with social issues has given me the opportunity to live in 4 different countries and to visit more than 30 others across 4 different continents, this long journey has taken me to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My current adoptive home.As part of MAKNA during the last 1 year and a half, i have got the opportunity to understand what really Cancer means to those suffering it's burden, to their families and what life should mean for all of us:                                      It means learning to appreciate every instant of life without giving up.                                                It means loving those who loves us and caring about them.                                      It means giving our best to contribute to our communities and the world.Because of this reason, and knowing that the most powerful life lessons are those we learn by supporting others, i have decided to climb Mount Kinabalu (despite having no previous hiking experience) as part of MAKNA's  Klimb For Cancer 2016 campaign in order to support this inspiring organization on it's mission to provide curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and their families, high-risk groups and the general public, in Malaysia and the region. My goal is to raise RM 2,000 during this journey and with your generous help, we will be able to make this small but impactful contribution to those Cancer Patients who need it the most.Muchas Gracias!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 355

Target : MYR 2,000

Fundraising for:
MAKNA | Majlis Kanser Nasional

At age 2, I lost my mother to breast cancer. At age 22, I thought that I would eventually die of cancer, and lived in fear of taking risks. At age 32, I signed up to volunteer with MAKNA and learnt that cancer does not mean death. Now, at age 33, I am attempting to climb Mount Kinabalu because I do not believe that nothing good came out of my mother’s death.   My name is Choo Chin Ting, and I am the daughter of a cancer victim. And yes! I’m doing something that I never thought I would do; attempt to summit Mount Kinabalu, despite my zero experience in hiking, with MAKNA Klimb Kinabalu - Fight Against Cancer campaign.   Being a part of MAKNA has taught me that cancer can strike anyone, anytime and anywhere BUT it does not mean the end. It got me to thinking that rather than looking at my history as a tragedy, I should instead use it to fight cancer. MAKNA reaches out to the public in many ways be it pre-cancer, post-cancer, or during cancer, which is why they are constantly raising funds to support these activities. Our group of 15 climbers has pledged to raise RM 100,000 to aid cancer patients with the necessities. I'm taking a small step by targeting to raise RM 5,000, where I have raised RM 2,000 offline. Please help me realize my pledged target of the remaining RM 3,000 by donating. Any amount goes a long way to helping us reach our goal. I hope that my message here will somehow help you make better life choices. Don’t let life pass you by just because of fear and ignorance. Be active, be positive, love life and give.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 3,501

Target : MYR 3,000