
The transgender community is in a very bad situation in Pakistan. their is no other option except to beg on the streets for transgender people. I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

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Al Fouz Group of Companies wants to support the transgender community in Pakistan with the help of comprehensive training in different fields.
Historically, transgender individuals in Pakistan have been recognized as having a distinct gender identity known as "Hijra." While the Hijra community has a long history in the region, they have faced various social and legal issues over the years. One of the main challenges faced by the transgender community in Pakistan is widespread discrimination and social stigma. Many transgender individuals encounter rejection from their families, leading them to leave their homes at a young age. Due to the lack of familial support, they often end up living in marginalized communities where they face further ostracism and limited access to basic rights and services. Education and employment opportunities for transgender individuals are also limited, with many facing barriers to getting an education and securing stable jobs. This exclusion from formal employment often pushes them into begging, dancing, or engaging in sex work to earn a living, which exposes them to significant risks and dangers. In 2009, Pakistan's Supreme Court recognized the third gender category, allowing transgender individuals to self-identify as "male," "female," or "Hijra" on official documents. While this recognition was a positive step towards acknowledging their existence, implementation has been slow, and many transgender individuals still face issues when trying to obtain official identification documents. Despite some legal recognition, violence against the transgender community remains a severe concern. Transgender individuals are vulnerable to physical and sexual violence, often perpetrated with impunity. Many cases go unreported due to fear of retaliation or a lack of trust in law enforcement. Activists and NGOs in Pakistan have been working to advocate for the rights of transgender individuals, challenging discrimination and pushing for policy changes to improve their living conditions. In recent years, there have been some positive developments in terms of awareness and support, but much work remains to be done to ensure the transgender community's full inclusion and protection of their rights in Pakistan.

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