Micro Appeal

Hi and Assalamualaikum,I am Nurul Natasha, a student from Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Business School. I am a part of a fundraiser, which works for the welfare of the less fortunate children from some of the Pondok in Makassar, Indonesia. This project has been organized by an organization, Yunivers collaborating with Mahasiswa Prihatin UniKL Business School. We are making a humble request to you to try and help us out in any possible way. It will be a lot of help to us. Hence, this is a sincere plea to you to help us, as much is possible from your side. Thank you.

My Story

I  am currently participating in book donation project, which is "Changing Life Through Education" that has been organized by an organization, Yunivers collaborating with Mahasiswa Prihatin UniKL Business School. This project is to raise funds to buy books for the less fortunate children from  some schools or they called as Pondok Baca in Makassar, Indonesia.

The fund collected will be donated to the Pondok Baca to buy books of the 1 year supply and school equipments for them to get a better education. This project also will be sending off 15 volunteers to the Makassar Island in August to organize community service activities there such as gotong royong and painting the Pondok Baca with the children and local community. We will also prepare some gifts for the activities that will be participating with the children to give them a pleasant experience.

Education is the most powerful which you can use to change the world as we believe the children there will change their life with the education that we will provide which also comes from all of us that give the donation. No one has ever become poor by giving and the greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it. We cannot help everyone but everyone can help someone as your donation will surely help these children to continue with their education. 

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