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My Story

Latest update Iman during follow up appoinment at hospital.It's a wonderful feeling to be able to sleep soundly at night right?
But for Iman, it’s a luxury she cannot have. She can’t fall asleep, not even for a second!

The fear of Iman passing away in his sleep haunts her mother every night, compelling her to check if her daughter is still breathing. 

This has become her routine ever since Iman (1 years 5 month) was diagnosed with Benign Epignathus Teratoma - which an extremely rare disease among 1:200,000 babies that the teratoma at Iman mouth blocking the mouth and nose airways force Iman to do first surgery to remove the tumor.

After that Iman lay in ICU for 7 month, now Iman still struggles to breath on her own and remains dependents on breathing and suction machines.“She breathes as if every breath might be her last, and she appears to be in so much pain.” said Ina her mother. 


I truly wish for a miracle to happen to Iman, so she can grow up like any other child her age. Ina sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

She is in urgent need cost of prompt surgery, an oxygen breathing machine and phlegm suction device.
Total Surgery,

Medical Device & Treatment Cost : 10,000$
Estimated Surgery Phase Cost : $2500
Treatment Care Cost : $2500
Oxygen & Phlegm suction devices and parts : $1800
Special milk formula & diapers : $3200

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