Personal Fundraising

Wan Nursyuhaida W Malek

  • Malaysia    Education

Wan Nursyuhaida W Malek

Hello. My name is Syuhaida. I’m a Bachelor’s Degree student, majoring in Economics from University Tun Abdul Razak (Unirazak) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Recently, I just finished my study and I’m expecting to graduate at the end of this month (November 30, 2019).  I’m now is raising fund to cover the graduation fees due on Friday (November 22, 2019). If I don’t pay the fees on time I won’t be able to graduate or attend the ceremony. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I’m facing a financial constraints as I’m actively looking for a job.
I know that attending graduation ceremony is totally optional but I want to able to experience it at least once in my life because I’m not sure what might happen in the future. Last week, I attended my twin’s graduation ceremony and I’m very happy for her but it also gave me mixed feelings knowing that I might not be able to attend mine because of the financial constraints. 
I come from a family of four and I’m the third one. We all grew up with our uncle as both of my parents had passed away when I was 13. So, I totally don't have much people to reach out to and have to cover the fees myself. 
As for now, I’m trying my hardest to be hopeful and not to give up yet. Starting this funding is the last resort for me as I couldn't afford to ask for helps from my siblings anymore. I would be more than grateful if you can keep me in your prayers. Hopefully I would be able to cover the fees before the dateline as this situation has teaches me to persevere through life.