
聯合國兒童基金香港委員會 Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF

  • Hong Kong    Children, Disaster Relief, Education, Emotional Support, Health, HIV & AIDS, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid, Medical & Health, Poverty, Refugees, Rescue, Social Welfare, Welfare, Women
Raised So Far HKD 124,576

聯合國兒童基金香港委員會 Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF

聯合國兒童基金香港委員會(UNICEF HK)自1986年成立以來,一直透過不同途徑籌募善款,籌募善款支持聯合國兒童基金會在全球190個國家和地區的工作,以促進每一名兒童的權利和福祉,並特別關注和幫助最有需要的兒童。本會亦有在香港籌辦各項教育和青少年計劃,促進及宣揚兒童權利。

The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) was founded in 1986 to raise funds to support UNICEF’s work in promoting the rights and wellbeing of every child in 190 countries and territories, with a special focus on reaching those in greatest need. We also promote and advocate for children’s rights through various education and youth programmes in Hong Kong.

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