
Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power

  • Hong Kong    Disability, Social Welfare

Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power


香港復康力量乃由九位傷殘的專業人士於一九九五年成立的慈善復康服務機構,主要服務對象為肢體傷殘人士、長期病患者及精神病康復者。 本會的使命是激勵殘疾人士發展,協助他們積極就業,融入社會,活出豐盛喜悅的人生,並促進復康政策改善,令香港發展成無障礙城市。 本會開辦的「殘疾人士就業培訓中心」專責為殘疾人士提供職業培訓與實習機會。而本會轄下的四個社會企業單位,包括:「活力傳意電話市務推廣」、「活力製作」、「活力推拿按摩隊」及「活力店」則致力為學員們提供工作機會。現時,本會職員中,亦有半數為殘疾人士。

本會的理念: 推動傷建共融,締造平等機會。

本會的使命: 激勵殘疾人士發展,培訓殘疾人士,建立正向思維,推動社企發展,鼓勵自力更生。

Introduction to Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power

Founded by a group of dedicated disabled professionals in 1995, the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power (“HKRP”) is a non-profit and charitable rehabilitation organization strives to advance the welfare of handicapped persons, individuals with chronic illnesses and the ex-mentally ill people, now serving over two thousand people in Hong Kong.

Our Vision: Promote social integration of people with and without disabilities and create equal opportunities.

Our Mission: Empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and integration into all aspects of society.

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