
We are swimming to raise money and awareness for Splash. We love that Splash gives people the opportunity to learn to swim that otherwise may never have access to swimming lessons.

My Story

Chlorine Is Our Perfume and Water Is Our Soul.  
We are two teams of enthusiastic Kellett School students and are passionate about swimming.  We realise how incredibly lucky we are to have benefitted from swimming lessons and coaching from an early age.  Not everyone is that fortunate. 
Splash is close to our hearts as we have Aunties that have been able to make the most of the connection that Kellett School has with Splash.  We also have many teachers, friends and family members who spend their free time coaching for Splash, helping it to grow and reach its 2020 target.
Please support us by donating!  We are two groups therefore we need to raise a minimum of HKD10,000.

Recent Donors

  • Becky, Noel & JJ Travers

    ‘Just keep swimming, swimming’

    GBP 20 04/17/2019 09:50:50 PM UTC

  • Tang Shung Kwon Investment Co. Ltd.

    HKD 2,000 04/11/2019 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 100 03/30/2019 01:38:15 PM UTC

  • Andrea Fletcher

    Swim well, swim fast!!

    HKD 888 03/30/2019 05:24:04 AM UTC

  • Various Donors

    HKD 8,700 03/30/2019 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 300 03/28/2019 11:52:11 AM UTC

  • Eric Vimont

    HKD 200 03/28/2019 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 200 03/27/2019 04:45:07 AM UTC

  • Roger Phillips

    Hi Ella - great effort and pleased to support you. Love Jan and Roger xxxx

    GBP 50 03/26/2019 12:21:20 PM UTC

  • Selina Cheng

    HKD 200 03/25/2019 09:45:00 AM UTC

Team Members

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