
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

My story is a story of a beloved friend who ive lost 8 years ago.  Almost lost his life but 96pints of his numerous friend's blood, saved him.  He survived 3 years after that. A man with multiple brothers and sisters in him.

Had chemotherapy after that.  He always complain about his bald head and i will always assure him how good looking he has with his sharp features protruding from the surface of his face.  Never did it occur to me that i could have supported him by trying to feel like he did.  Naked, stripped off the crown of head besides knowing the fact that time is short. 

Time is short and i do not know if tomorrow will ever come.  Said he.  True. 

It's been 8 years and i have to do this in loving memory of him. 

If tomorrow never comes, support today. 

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