
Join us to embark on a journey to create a meaningful impact in our local community by supporting Mind HK. By joining hands, we can foster a society that truly values mental health, where no individual has to face the challenges alone. Through our collective efforts, we can build a culture of compassion, understanding, ensuring that individuals in need have access to the resources and services provided by Mind HK. Let us stand together, united in our commitment to mental well-being, and pave the way for a brighter future where everyone feels valued, heard, and supported.

My Story

"Hearty One" is a project created for a cocktail competition goes beyond just mixology.

While celebrating the art of cocktail-making, Hearty One also places a strong emphasis on promoting well-being. It serves as a platform to initiate conversations and increase understanding about mental health issues within the bartending and hospitality industry.

Moreover by raising funds for Mind HK, a mental health charity dedicated to building a supportive mental health community, to ensure no one has to face a mental health problem alone in Hong Kong. More about Mind HK please visit - 

The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” However, in Hong Kong and globally, mental health is often misunderstood and not given equal importance in terms of prevention and treatment compared to physical illness.

It is estimated that 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong will experience a common mental disorder at any given time, yet three-quarters of those individuals do not seek professional help. Many suffer in silence due to stigma, shame, lack of awareness about their condition, and limited access to professional support. Further statistics show that many environmental, personal and social stressors also contribute to mental health problems.

The hospitality industry had been identified as one of most stressful sectors. In Hong Kong, this large community of approximately 260,000 people, who play a vital role in our local economy, often suffer silently. As a bartender, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and pressures faced by individuals working in the hospitality industry. The long hours, demanding schedules, and high-stress environments can take a toll on our mental health.

Working in bar or restaurant requires speed, organised thought, unwavering attention to details, creativity, extensive knowledge of products and safety, and a genuine passion for serving, It’s a lot to balance, and many of us have experienced increased levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout.

The primary objective of this fundraising campaign is to raise funds for Mind HK and contribute to their mission of creating a mentally healthier community. Additionally, I aim to raise awareness about mental health, destigmatize the topic, and provide resources specifically for individuals within the hospitality industry who may be struggling. By improving overall well-being, we can create a healthier and more sustainable work environment for the dedicated individuals who contribute to the industry’s success.

Please support Mind HK and Hearty One! Let’s work towards a future where mental health is given attention and resources it deserves.

「Hearty One」是一個為雞尾酒比賽而創建的項目,但不僅如此。

在頌揚調酒藝術的同時,Hearty One 亦強調促進福𧘲。它作為一個平台,引發調酒師與餐旅業中對心理健康問題的討論,並提高對它的了解。

此外,透過為 Mind HK 籌集資金 - 香港心聆是一所本地精神健康慈善機構,致力確保香港沒有人需要獨自面對精神健康問題。更多關於香港心聆詳見 - 

世界衛生組織(WHO)將健康定義為「健康不僅爲疾病或羸弱之消除,而是體格, 精神與社會之完全健康狀態。」在香港以至全球,人們對精神健康仍有很多誤解。不論在預防及治療方面,精神健康並沒有像身體健康一樣受到重視。


餐旅業被認為是壓力最大的行業之一。 在香港,這個擁有約 260,000 人組成的龐大社群,在推動本地經濟發展中發揮著重要作用,每每工作壓力再大 - 卻默默習已為常。 身為調酒師,對餐旅業人員面臨的挑戰和壓力亦歷歷在目。 長時間的工作、嚴格的日程安排和高壓力的環境都會損害我們的心理健康。


此籌款活動的主要目標是為Mind HK籌集資金,為他們創建心理健康社區的使命做出貢獻。此外,藉此提高大家對心理健康的認識,消除社會對此話題的污名化,並為餐旅業內可能遇到困難的人提供資源。通過改善整體福祉,我們可以為餐旅業的成功做出貢獻的敬業人士創造一個更健康、更可持續的工作環境。

請支持Mind HK及Hearty One,共同實現一個心理健康得到應有關注和資源的未來。

Recent Donors

  • Kyle Kuok

    HKD 500 02/29/2024 10:23:20 AM UTC

  • Cath Lou


    AUD 100 02/29/2024 07:54:07 AM UTC

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