Personal Challenge

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My Story

Hello!! Thank you for checking out this page. I know it will surprise you on what I am going to do now. Yep.... I am going to challenge myself to the Greatwall Half Marathon this May on 18th. Be honest, I have just started my running hobby for less than 3 months but have already attended a few 10km run races. Those races were fun and good experience especially with a bunch of friends running. And now the Greatwall run is completely a new experience and a difficult task to me. However, this time running with another 2 great friends and for charity purpose, I have no reason to say NO, right? :p Each member of our team has the goal of raising HK$24,000 to ship nutritious rice packs from the United States to the Philippines. (The nutritious rice packs actually help all of ICM's programs because each of ICM’s education, feeding, and medical programs use the rice packs to provide meals to the poorest families in the Philippines.) One container of food will provide over 272,000 meals to impoverished children and their families - three containers will provide over 816,000 meals. It would be great to have your support to this meaningful run and those children and poor families in Philippines need your help as well. ACT NOW!! :) P.S. for more detail about ICM, please go to Thank you, Mabel, Kenny and Raquel 喂喂,朋友仔! 我會喺2013年5月18日參加萬里長城的半馬拉松(約22公里)。如果你有睇到宣傳短片的話,你應該知道哩個「旅程」有幾艱辛( 。不過,好彩今次有兩位教友一齊參加,不但可互相鼓勵和支持,仲可以籌款添架,真係好有意思耶! 我哋三個各自的籌款目標係港幣24,000元。此金額的由來係因為運送來自美國的「營養包」到菲律賓而產生的貨櫃運費。每一個貨櫃的「營養包」可供給約27,200餐在菲律賓有需要的貧窮小朋友及家庭。三個貨櫃就會有約816,000餐架喇!而INTERNATIONAL CARE MINISTRY (ICM) 會係主要渠道發送哩d「營養包」。 所以我哋三個及菲律賓的小朋友及家庭真係好需要你哋支持及鼓勵,作為我哋跑的原動力。:) 大家快d嚟幫幫手啦,唔該! 註:INTERNATIONAL CARE MINISTRY (ICM) 是一間非牟利機構,主要服務菲律賓貧窮家庭。有關此機構詳情,請瀏覽! 主佑, Mabel, Kenny & Raquel

Recent Donors

  • Wanda

    God blesses! Injury free and have fun!

    HKD 200 05/16/2013 01:05:10 PM UTC

  • Nada Huang

    加 油! :)

    HKD 500 05/14/2013 09:25:54 PM UTC

  • Esther

    Add oil ah Mabel! May God give you joy and strength for the run. =D

    HKD 200 05/13/2013 11:26:37 PM UTC

  • Jeff L

    Your marathon development is amazing! God bless you and God bless this cause!

    HKD 500 05/13/2013 11:06:05 PM UTC

  • Justin Oltz

    HKD 250 05/13/2013 12:00:20 AM UTC

  • Raquel

    Hoping this first donation will motivate you in your training - only 59 days left :)

    HKD 800 03/20/2013 10:56:08 AM UTC

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