
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

There is a silent but influential force in the lively metropolis of Kuala Lumpur where variety and culture collide, the Malaysian Association of the Blind (MAB). Now close your eyes and imagine a world in which all people who are visually impaired can reach their full potential. Contributions to the Malaysian Association of the Blind are more than simply money; they represent a promise to share in innumerable tales of resiliency and self-determination.

With your help, we hope to grow MAB's educational programs and provide scholarships and state-of-the-art tools that enable blind people to achieve their academic goals. Imagine the impact if a blind entrepreneur led a profitable business endeavor, shattering prejudices and redefining possibilities, or if a visually challenged scientist discovered ground-breaking discoveries.

However, our adventure doesn't end there. Your kindness will also spur the creation of technology that is accessible and specifically designed to meet the requirements of the blind. Imagine unlocking a world of opportunities where routine activities serve as stepping stones toward independence rather than as barriers. With the help of your donation, innovative tools and applications that transform the lives of the visually impaired and promote their sense of empowerment and autonomy can be developed.

Additionally, your assistance can improve vocational training programs, giving blind people the tools they need to find fulfilling jobs. Imagine a society in which people with vision impairments are respected contributors rather than just workers, offering their distinct viewpoints to a variety of Malaysian workplaces.

You are cordially asked to shine a light of hope in the lives of individuals navigating the world without sight while you read this. Your contribution is an investment in hopes, visions, and a more welcoming society rather than only a cash contribution. Together, we can build a Malaysia where the achievements and resiliency of the blind are valued rather than defined by their obstacles.

Come and help us assist the Blind Association of Malaysia. Your contribution is a ripple that has the power to cause waves of change, not just a drop in the ocean. Let us create a world in which all dreams, no matter how big, are achievable and visually impaired people not only survive but thrive.

Recent Donors

  • Megat Azim


    MYR 417 03/11/2024 06:45:47 AM UTC

  • Janice Yew

    Thank you for giving me my name in braille today on campus. I also worked out that it also said "Have a Nice Day" in braille. It touched my heart and reminded me how blessed I am today to have sight. I wish you all the success in your fundraising and for choosing to support the blind!

    MYR 50 03/07/2024 09:51:04 AM UTC

  • Jessveen Kaur

    MYR 10 02/19/2024 06:30:27 AM UTC

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