
If you are afraid to go out to the field and lend your helping hand, feel free to help in the comfort of your own home. I promise you will feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness. God Bless

My Story

According to The New Straits Times (NST) in April 2020, Almost 40% of students nationwide do not own an electronic device. This is however the sad reality, where students have to use their parents' phone/tablet/laptop for their studies; particularly the poor who can barely afford to buy a smartphone. Although this piece of news is now 2 years old, there are still many individuals who don't have a proper device (for example, a smartphone with a small screen and a battery that easily dies in an hour) or do not own any devices at all. 

Besides, after the recent flood, which affected many lives. Many students have lost their belongings including their phones and laptops. Therefore, this fundraiser also aims to help them as well; especially those who can no longer afford to buy another device. Hence, let us help others, just like how we love getting help from others. In fact, let us do our part, to ensure students have a good quality education. Like Nelson Mandela once said: "There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return".

Ps: If this fundraiser achieves or has exceeded its target goal of RM 2000, I will record myself speaking French for 24 hours in Kuala Lumpur. 

Recent Donors

  • Radziah Nasir

    MYR 100 01/06/2022 01:00:56 PM UTC

  • Jason Shem

    MYR 30 01/06/2022 10:18:57 AM UTC

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