Fundraising Event

Sunshine Medical fund

  • 22/07/2023 - 28/07/2023
  • Malaysia
MYR 3,223
80% Complete
Target : MYR 4,000

About Event

Sunshine is a 4 year old female dog that grew up in SPCA Selangor. She was surrendered at 1 month old and grew up with no issue until 1 year ago. In September 2022, we started noticing a growth on Sunshine's hind paw. We hoped that it was a simple infection and it would resolve itself.

Unfortunately, it didn't. As time passed, the mass only grow bigger, faster. We realized it's something alarming and sought multiple vets for treatment option. Initially, we couldn't find anything conclusive. We remained hopeful until we noticed that she is limping and refuse to use her injured paw.

In February 2023, we did our first fundraising for her toe amputation. The surgery was successful, but we also received the bad news. Lab result came back and Sunshine is diagnosed with malignant tumor myosarcoma. We hoped that no tumor cells were left behind as the wound heals.

In April 2023, the mass is back. Upon consultation, the best treatment plan forward is for total amputation of her right hind leg and a biopsy test to see if the tumor has metastasized. The surgery, biopsy and physiotherapy would cost about RM4000. We hope to reach our fundraising goal before the tumor spreads and give her a chance to find her human and live the life that she deserves.

If you would like to help out, please donate and/or share this donation page to others. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.