Donation Appeal

Wildlife Awareness for Schools in Cambodia

  • Cambodia
Raised So Far USD 1,898
18% Complete
Target : USD 10,000

About Appeal

Donate $25 today to educate one child about wildlife awareness in Cambodia.

To improve awareness and local community support for globally threatened water bird species and their unique habitat, SVC in collaboration with WCS have been conducting dedicated awareness raising programs and community wildlife conservation events throughout key habitats in Northern Cambodia.

With the aim of both increasing and assessing local community support for wildlife conservation activities, and making the illegal hunting of birds a socially undesirable behaviour that community members will report to law enforcement staff, the awareness raising program will implement a series of village level roadshows. 

Experienced WCS community facilitators and communications staff will design, implement and assess the impact of the awareness program, which will make use of simple messaging to change behaviours at village level.

Recent Donors 2

  • Nicholas Wolfram

    USD 75 11/28/2023 09:24:45 AM UTC

  • Madeleine Kröger

    EUR 1,500 01/12/2021 11:40:36 AM UTC