Donation Appeal

WISE COVID-19 Preparedness Fund for the Nagekeo Area

  • Indonesia
Raised So Far USD 12,830
98% Complete
Target : USD 13,000 Raised Offline : USD 9,615

About Appeal

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Since March 2020, WISE has been procuring PPE and preventive supplies for health facilities and the community respectively.

PPE have been distributed to the COVID-19 Health Post (Posko), Aeramo Regional Hospital, as well as public health centres (Puskemas) as needed. These include thousands of dollars worth of N95 masks, KN95 masks, surgical masks, nurse caps, hazmat suits, gloves, face shields, goggles, boots, and hand sanitiser. The most recent distribution was in early August when we delivered PPE to seven public health centres.

In addition, WISE printed and distributed informational posters from the Ministry of Health to each health district in each health centres. The posters aim to help frontliners engage the community on preventive actions.

To support preventive action in the community, WISE and partner Yayasan Sao Mere (YSM) have been producing face masks for residents. With training from the Family Welfare Movement (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga), YSM started sewing reusable masks, supported by a House representative member who provided disinfectant and allowance for the sewers. We have districted masks to residents of Keo Tengah subdistrict (April), farmers (May), Trash Heroes (July), Mata Leza Book House (July), and the Nagekeo Disaster Prevent Forum (July).

We also installed handwashing stations at Danga Market, the transportation hub, and Aeramo Regional Hospital. This was done in collaboration with Cooperation, Industry and Trade Office (Dinas Koperasi, Perindustian dan Perdagangan Kab Nagekeo), the Disaster Risk Reduction Form (Forum Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Nagekeo) and Disaster Management Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Nagekeo).

Amount spent as of 23 August 2020 = USD 10,237

  • Preventive action = USD 1,066
  • Medical supplies = USD 9,143
  • General costs = USD 18

About the appeal

WISE is providing emergency medical assistance to hospitals in Flores island responding to COVID-19, as well as supporting the people of Nagekeo in the event that COVID-19 spreads to the regency.

We are seeking your support to contribute to an emergency preparedness fund for referral hospitals on the island as well as Nagekeo regency. This will go towards ensuring that residents are able to take preventive measures, that the hospitals on the island have sufficient medical supplies, and to help residents of Nagekeo seek medical attention if they are unable to afford the costs.

Flores does not have enough capacity to respond

There are only three hospitals in the entire province of Nusa Tenggara Timur that have the ability to treat COVID-19 ( Hospitals throughout the province have been appealing for equipment.

Why Nagekeo?

WISE has two staff from and based in Nagekeo, and we have been active in the regency since 2018, working closely with the local government and NGOs. We have the means to channel our resources to the right place.

Why is Nagekeo vulnerable?

Nagekeo has limited access to the necessary healthcare

A person who exhibits symptoms will be referred to their nearest public health centre (Puskesmas) which lacks personal protective equipment (PPE) and tools. Doctors and nurses have died treating COVID-19 patients in Jakarta and Bandung due to the lack of PPE.

Most residents of Nagekeo cannot afford to seek medical assistance

18,690 (or 13%) of Nagekeo’s 325,000 population live below the poverty line (Badan Pusat Indonesia as of 2018). This means that they earn an average of less than Rp 323.316 (or USD 21) per capita per month. Many residents would barely be able to afford the cost of medical care, let alone deal with the impact of losing their livelihood.

Many people are at risk

People working, studying and living in other provinces and countries (such as Malaysia, which had 2,031 confirmed cases as of 28 March) have flocked back to Flores due to lockdowns and orders to stay at home. Unfortunately, some people are unaware of the potential transmission risk. The local government also finds it difficult to lockdown the island because many people need to make a living (Republika).

Scope of financial support

WISE aims to provide three forms of support. The amount allocated to each component will depend on the existing situation.

1. Medical supplies for local hospitals

We are coordinating with relevant government agencies, hospitals, and other ground-up movements in the region to find out what is needed and will update the page as we find out more.

2. Preventive and mitigative action

This may include soap for households, disinfectants for close contacts of suspected COVID-19 cases, and so on.

3. Funding for Nagekeo residents to seek medical attention if they cannot afford it

WISE aims to cover what the family cannot afford to pay in order for the resident and one accompanying member to seek medical attention. This includes: hospital bills for testing and treatment (at cost), transportation (approximately Rp 500.000 each way by land), accommodation and meals (Rp 300.000 per person per day), and expenses incurred by WISE to administer the fund.

We will also consider supporting cases unrelated to COVID-19, where it is clear that the resident requires urgent medical attention.


WISE intends to put the following measures in place to ensure that the funds are being used appropriately:

  • As far as possible, we will liaise with the government agencies and hospitals directly on needs.
  • The WISE team will visit the resident personally in order to verify the person’s need for assistance. This includes their need for medical attention, likelihood of having been infected, and ability to afford the costs.
  • We will be transparent to the residents, the local government and to the donors on the amount of funds raised, and the amount of funds disbursed, as well as to whom and for what purpose.

Media mentions

Recent Donors 93

  • The Fashion Pulpit

    SGD 294 08/10/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Pelanggan Depot Indonesia

    Good luck and Ganbatte!!

    IDR 969,000 06/21/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Atlantic Institute

    GBP 5,000 06/10/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • LWT

    SGD 200 05/25/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 1,000 05/16/2020 11:43:45 AM UTC

  • Joe Goddard

    Admirable work by everyone at WISE WASH. Stay Strong :)

    SGD 100 05/15/2020 01:47:12 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 20 05/15/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • LQ

    SGD 100 05/15/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    GBP 5 05/15/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Noor

    Let's help one another regardless of borders and identity. Thank you for doing good work, WISE-WASH!

    SGD 5 05/15/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Sophia Pan

    In solidarity

    SGD 25 05/14/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Jade Phua

    SGD 100 05/12/2020 12:47:57 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 100 05/12/2020 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Best wishes

    USD 10 05/11/2020 02:53:56 PM UTC

  • Hannah Leong

    SGD 100 05/11/2020 06:38:38 AM UTC