
That means we rely on individual donations from generous people like you to carry out our work. A little contribution can't change the world but it can change someone's world. Together, we are a strong voice for children with mental disabilities and we can't do it without YOU!

My Story

Hi! We are TARUC Diploma in Public Relations Y1S2 Group 2 students and we intend to raise money to maximise the impact of our work with people affected by intellectual disability. We need your help to make our efforts go even further by donating as little as you want!

We collaborate with non-profit organisation, IQ70plus and with your support, they are able to provide more medical assistance independently and impartially to intellectual disability. They offer assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. Your donation will be used to deliver aid for the welfare of mentally challenged children. Thank You!

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Recent Donors

  • Christina Chong

    MYR 53 12/02/2021 09:05:43 AM UTC

  • Yong Ching

    MYR 10 12/02/2021 08:24:23 AM UTC

  • Flora Kee

    MYR 10 12/02/2021 08:08:59 AM UTC

  • jiaching

    MYR 10 12/02/2021 07:31:36 AM UTC

  • Vivian Ong

    MYR 100 12/01/2021 02:56:26 PM UTC


    MYR 100 12/01/2021 01:59:22 PM UTC

  • Yen Lee Ong

    MYR 100 12/01/2021 01:04:02 PM UTC

  • Chong St

    MYR 10 12/01/2021 10:17:03 AM UTC

  • Lau Jing Yee

    MYR 20 12/01/2021 06:51:18 AM UTC

  • Loo Jun Hon

    MYR 10 11/30/2021 03:27:15 AM UTC

Team Members

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