
Each donation of minimum MYR 5 will provide one child with an education kit. Please find the details below! :)

My Story

More information on the education kit is available below.

Some of us here have children, and are able to send them to school. Some of us are able to even send our children personally to school. That ladies and gentlemen is a privilege not many realize. Some children are within families and communities of the less privileged. This typically means poor families, or uneducated parents. This also usually leads to under-educated children as the family and parents are not only unable to send and fetch their children to school personally, some are not even able to send the children to learn at school. That’s where we come in. As a way to give back to the people, we are spearheading a project to help some of these underprivileged children to get to school and stay in school. Like a trident, we aim for this project to have 3 pronged effect on the issue. We would like to have (1) an immediate effect (output) towards enabling these target children to get and stay in school, (2) a flow of funds for Teach for Malaysia to sustain-ably continue doing this for more less privileged communities, and (3) raise awareness of the importance of education towards families within underprivileged communities. We also would like to have the awareness impact to affect more of the general public so more might take the initiative and continue helping those in need.

Additional funds are provided to Teach For Malaysia directly for continuous sustainable endeavors to help more children in need to get proper education.

Education Kit includes:
4 x Pencils
1 x Eraser
1 x Ruler
1 x Color Pencils
1 x Notebook

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