Personal Challenge

REGAIN HAIR DONATION -- Regain CONFIDENCE; Regain SMILE; Regain NEW LIFE! 捐发运动-重获自信;重获笑容;重获新的生命

My Story

[目标:300捐发者,RM 8000 -- 10顶假发制作费]

日期:23/12/2016 星期五
时间:11.30am - 8.30pm
地点:Johor Bahru Sutera Mall 第三楼(最新更新)
联络:Ang 016 221 9005 ; Joey 012 760 5997



Persatuan Kunci Harapan (Locks of Hope)
Hong Leong Bank
322 000 32450
[email protected]
众所周知,正在接受化疗的癌症病患往往都会面对脱发的问题。特别是女性和小孩患者,看着逐渐脱落的头发,患者的自信心也紧随着滑落。本已非常辛苦的化疗过程,再加上旁人异样的眼光,往往使患者感到非常自卑。看着别人长且浓密的头发,更令患者羡慕不已。然而,在这艰辛的化疗过程,患者最需要的是民众的支持且鼓励。民众的支持与鼓励能使他们重获自信心和笑容。除了言语上的支持与鼓励,患者也需要民众以实际行动来支持与鼓励。假发往往是等待头发再生最好的暂替品。可是,化疗的费用已经让部分癌症病患喘不过气来,更何况是市价大约为800令吉的假发呢?可是,现在我们有机会提供一个平台让民众以行动来为癌症病患加油打气!如果您有一头长发且愿意把至少为15公分的一束马尾捐给癌症病患来制作假发,欢迎您用实际行动来支持癌症病患!此外,您也可以捐款以赞助制作假发的费用!民众的支持与鼓励不只可以让癌症病患重获自信心和笑容,也代表着重获充满民众支持与鼓励的新生命。这也是我们把这场捐发活动命名为“重获”的原因 -------重获自信;重获笑容;重获新的生命!

REGAIN Hair donation 2016
[target : 300 donors ; RM 8,000 (10 wigs)]

date: 23th December 2016 Friday
time: 11.30am - 8.30pm
venue: Johor Bahru Sutera Mall level 3 (latest updated)
organizer: Lions Club of Tanjung Petrie & Locks of Hope Association
facebook event page:
contact person : Ang 016 221 9005 ; Joey 012 760 5997

Mark your date and participate in this charity meaningful event!
Get yourself registered !!

** FREE CUT for ponytails donation & SIMPLE TRIMMING ONLY

For donation, please bank in to the following account:
Persatuan Kunci Harapan (Locks of Hope)
Hong Leong Bank
322 000 32450
After donation, kindly email the transaction slip to
[email protected]

Event Description : 

We all know that hair loss is a side effect that cannot be avoided for those cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy. Therefore, we hoped that most of the cancer patients will be inspired that many people are supporting them through this event. Besides that, to help them to regain their confidence in life is also one of the main purposes of this event. Through this event, hair will be collected to make wigs for cancer patients and also to raise fund for wigs manifacturing.

Purpose : To raise awareness of cancer, by providing a platform for Malaysians to donate their hair which would be turned into wigs for cancer patients going through chemotherapy. To fund raise for 10 wigs manifacturing, 1 wig cost RM 800.

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