Personal Challenge

Helloo everyone, please help me so that I can help my students to recreate an unused room into a great idea and creativity generation place and also providing them with a more condusive area for them to study.

My Story

Kelompok Ilmu is a hostle for students studying in Universiti Tenaga Nasional(UNITEN). As a lecturer in UNITEN, I would want to provide a better and condusive place for my students because I believe that a condusive and comfortable enviroment encourages creativity and helps my students to generate innovative ideas. Currently, the selected room is not condusive because it is lacking in appropriate facilities. Whatever facilities in the particular room is faulty and could not be used. Therefore, as a concerned lecturer, I would want to create a great place for these students by refurnishing the room and providing all essential facilities for my students. However, I am seriously lacking in budget. This has restricted me completing my task. Therefore, I am hoping for a kind contribution from all of you.This is to enable me to provide a better study enviroment and a good meeting place for all my students to meet up, generate innovative ideas and develop creativity. I believe that through your kind contribution, HUBILMU@UNITEN will really benefit my students. This is my personal request, please help me by suporting my cause and contribute.
Thank you in advande for all your kind contribution.
May God bless all of you!

Ms. Alicia

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  • Mohammad Azmi Ridwan

    MYR 30 01/27/2016 03:41:09 AM UTC

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