
PerMaTa Sulsel - YDTI

  • Indonesia    Children, Chronic Illness, Civil Rights, Disability, Elderly, Emotional Support, Health, Human Rights, Medical & Health, Poverty, Social Welfare, Welfare, Women, Youth
Raised So Far IDR 17,395,324

PerMaTa Sulsel - YDTI

PerMaTa Sulsel (long: Perhimpunan Mandiri Kusta Sulawesi Selatan. Engl: Association of independent People affected by Leprosy in South Sulawesi) and YDTI (long: Yayasana Dedikasi Tjipta Indonesia. Engl: Dare This Indonesia) are two non-profit organisations that collaborate for the same aims. We are based in Makassar, Indonesia. 

Our common aspiration is a world free from stigma and discrimination and a decent quality of life for people who are affected by leprosy.

Leprosy is curable and not infectious once it is treated. People affected by leprosy have the right to live like everybody else and be treated with dignity. Indonesia is still number 3 worldwide in the number of newly detected cases of leprosy (around 17.000 cases every year in Indonesia). At the same time, attention for their wellbeing has decreased because leprosy is not seen as a major public health issue anymore. Especially after they are cured from the disease, many people still face the devastating impact of leprosy on health and social life, but suppport for them is lacking. 

PerMaTa Sulsel / YDTI works to: 

  • fight stigma and discrimination; 
  • support individual people through counseling and practical help; 
  • empower young people affcted by leprosy to continue their normal lifes;
  • advocate for equal opportunities and adequate services.

We have a joint office in Makassar, capital of South Sulawesi, and work together with the members (persons affected by leprosy) of 12 district branches of PerMaTa Sulsel. 

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