Personal Challenge

My Story

It is time to raise fund for HKDR! This is my 2nd Peak to Fong. Last time, due to your kind support, I raised over $6,999. This year I have more reasons for you to donate more: 1. we adopted a senior toothless dog Dolly from HKDR. If not for HKDR, our girl could have been executed. Your donation can help many dogs like Dolly. For those who haven’t seen my dolly HKDR powerpoint, here is the link: Please give a few bucks if you like my "Story of D" 2. It is good to exceed last year’s goal. Kung hei fat choy! 3. Crazy inflation in HK, thus more $$$ is needed to keep HKDR running. All my friends: • If you missed my birthday, and would like to retro-give me a birthday present. Here is your chance. You don’t easily get a second chance in life. I give you one, hehe. Isn’t it cool? It’s just like the movie Inception……but you are a part of it! • My legs were sore for whole week last year. I’m older now, so it probably lasts more than 1 week. Now, you can pay to torture me!!! Isn’t it wonderful?! For those technophobes who don’t feel comfortable donating online, I’ll bring you a form to fill out. Special remarks for these people: JI: Pls pay my dentist pimping fee as a donation to HKDR. Think about how much $$$ you’ve saved and the fact that Dr S gives you peace of mind. MC: you’ve been to HKDR. you know how poor dogs were abandoned. Please donate more this year. Great if you and Daddy(or even KFC and Nigel) can donate separately. I don’t have your big sis’s and Margaret’s info, please ask them to help too. Auntie K: You are my biggest supporter last year, pls ,if not the biggest, be a big one again. 珍姐天地會員: donate more if the posters make you laughed. 珍迷們(A貨Amina):Foul language charge + Membership fee! Donate! HT: Donate more than you did last year and more than the cost of the last whiskey you consumed. oh, if your last whiskey is cheap, pls donate the cost of my “urban legend” Selosse initiale.? i hv enough gods at home to worship. Head Nurse of Malfunctioned Rockets Ward: You didn’t donate last year. We accept rain cheque. Double please. One from Happy, One from Sinbad. Blackstone高層英女王: 請注資, Just a fraction of your big bonus la. 捐埋ah松個份. 今年捐多d, 你添,勝!

Recent Donors

  • Gaston

    Woof !

    HKD 221 11/24/2012 11:26:24 PM UTC

  • Olga Bella Pang

    HKD 200 11/22/2012 12:12:42 PM UTC

  • Look Man Yi

    HKD 200 11/21/2012 11:11:02 PM UTC

  • Kitty JENNER

    HKD 500 11/18/2012 02:49:33 AM UTC

  • 珍姐

    It's not a journey. Every journey ends and you go on. Student No. 1. Inevitable.

    HKD 500 11/04/2012 02:03:11 AM UTC

  • Elaine Wong

    GO GO GO!

    HKD 800 11/02/2012 05:51:22 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    999 for 99

    HKD 999 10/31/2012 12:03:28 PM UTC

  • 珍姐狂迷甲乙

    甲:330, 乙:550 渣油!! 努力!! 行快D!!

    HKD 880 10/30/2012 11:07:28 PM UTC

  • 6+2 水皮女珍姐迷


    HKD 500 10/30/2012 07:32:24 PM UTC

  • Mini

    HKD 200 10/26/2012 11:37:08 PM UTC

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