Love 21 Foundation

Hong Kong     Disability,Health,Sport & Leisure

Fundraisers ( 79 Results )

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

"Everesting Challenge" 是單車運動界別的一項重大挑戰,挑戰選手需要選定一段斜坡反復騎行,直到累計總爬升達到一座珠穆朗瑪峰的海拔高度 - 8848米。Rapha Cycling Club []的 Race Team, Raft[] 嘅四位隊員- Marco[],Rapheal (蕃薯)[],Alfie[],Edmund[],4位千禧世代年輕選手將會於2023年年底進行這項挑戰。本次挑戰不僅為了突破自我,更具備一層特別的意義 - 我們將就是次挑戰發起籌款活動,並將籌得款項全數捐贈予慈善團體「Love21」[],幫助一些自閉症以及唐氏綜合症嘅患者!希望透過我們熱愛的單車運動,為社會作出一點貢獻。這不僅僅是我們自己的挑戰,更是我們與你共同努力的結果,無論你的捐款數額為多少,都將對我們的目標產生積極的影響!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 13,900

Target : HKD 8,848


Raised So Far : HKD 2,200

Target : HKD 10,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Love 21 Foundation is a charity dedicated to empowering the Down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong through sport, nutrition and holistic support programmes. We love cycling for the same reasons: for sport, mental and physical health, and to build and share communities. This 18 and 19 June we will be attempting to ride 220 miles to raise awareness and funds for Love 21 Foundation. We are participating in Rapha Cycling Club's 'Ambitious About Autism' Challenge; an annual ride from London to Manchester -- except we'll ride in Hong Kong! To find out more about RCC: can show your support by: Donate funds to Love 21 to motivate us to complete the 220. The larger the donation the more the motivation!Donate your time to Love 21 if you are in Hong Kong -- they need passionate and compassionate volunteers like yourselves.Ride along with us for whatever distance or time you can on 18-19 June, or simply meet us along the way for a chat or a snack! Your support will encourage us through the grueling hours. Details of the ride and our progress will be posted on Facebook: Donate to the Autism Partnership Foundation, RCC HK's sponsored charity in Hong Kong: Donate to the UK Charity:  

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Raised So Far : HKD 20,331

Target : HKD 22,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

The 2022 Stephathon campaign is a part of Randstad Hong Kong’s corporate social responsibility programme that is aimed at helping underprivileged individuals find employment and new opportunities to improve their quality of life. The campaign works towards Randstad’s ultimate goal - to touch 500 million work lives by 2030.Love 21 Foundation is a non-for-profit charity that enables and empowers the down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong through sport, nutrition, and holistic support programmes. Randstad Hong Kong has taken it in our stride to “walk” over 9,000 KM - or 12,000,000 steps - being the distance from Hong Kong SAR to Amsterdam to raise awareness and funds to support Love 21 Foundation’s activities in improving the quality of life for the underprivileged.This fundraising campaign is intended for all corporate employees of Randstad in Asia Pacific. We would greatly appreciate it if Randstad corporate employees can support Love 21 Foundation by donating to this campaign!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 11,147

Target : HKD 10,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Societe Generale Valley RFC is one of Hong Kong's largest and most successful sports clubs, (running rugby, hockey and netball), in the heart of the city.Given the recent restrictions, we have teamed up with the Love 21 Foundation to challenge our community and others to stay active and give back to a charity close to our hearts. Purchase your blue odd socks in the link below and paint Hong Kong blue over any of the 3 days. Simply hit the roads with your odd socks, take pictures and send them to [email protected] or tag us on facebook Valley RFC or instagram @valleyrfc.Click on the link to register: more information on the Run/Walk please contact [email protected].  

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Raised So Far : HKD 12,888

Target : HKD 50,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

The Inaugural Kung Hei Fun-Run Choi After a glutinous Christmas in Hong Kong, we were keen to get fit and also give back to the local community. Love 21 Foundation is a local Hong Kong charity supporting the Down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong through sport, nutrition and holistic support programmes. Many of our friends have been involved with the foundation in the past and have seen the amazing work that they do firsthand. We were inspired to raise as much money as we can through a fun-run whilst trimming down our waist lines at the same time! Thank you for donating to the Love 21 Foundation and supporting our inaugural event!   

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Raised So Far : HKD 77,900

Target : HKD 50,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

*** UPDATED ***500km Done, done and DONE!Time was around 18 hrs 40 mins with a few stops to re-fuel along the way meant a having started just around 0100, the distance was completed at 2200 hrs the same day.Thanks so much for all the support and generosity!If you'd still like to, it's not too late to support this great cause. Page will be open until end of Jan '22. Hi All, starting on the stroke of midnight into the 24th December, I'll be attempting the annual Festive 500km Cycling Challenge. Usually completed in your own time between Christmas and New Year's Eve, this time it'll be in one sitting for me.Expected target is 18hrs in the saddle. Although this is to finish what has been a challenging year for many of us on a high, I believe it's a good opportunity to help a great cause here in Hong Kong.  

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Raised So Far : HKD 45,000

Target : HKD 50,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Love 21 team worked out at The Mills & TKO Plaza on Saturday morning doing 309,000 steps!    

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Raised So Far : HKD 0

Target : HKD 2,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Soya sauce and me worked hard for fundraising 💪 ,hoping that we can help needies.  

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Raised So Far : HKD 0

Target : HKD 700


Raised So Far : HKD 1,500

Target : HKD 500


Raised So Far : HKD 12,000

Target : HKD 2,000


Raised So Far : HKD 3,000

Target : HKD 3,000


Raised So Far : HKD 1,050

Target : HKD 3,000


Raised So Far : HKD 300

Target : HKD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Hello Peeps….Last year, Team Pankies raised a good amount of money for Love 21 Foundation. They are an organisation who helps Down syndrome and autistic people in Hong Kong. They dedicated to bettering the lives of those living with Down syndrome and autism through physical activity and nutrition educationThis year  KIDZILLA challenge is called “Kidzilla vs Everest!!!The height of Mount Everest is 8,849 meters and this will be the challenge - Get a many steps/reps in as a team and hit close to the number 8,849Of course, Team Leader- Daddy Mark loves challenges. He finds the idea of doing a series of circuit reps boring so he decided that Team Pankies should do a hike -  “The Twin Peaks” in the heat of HK summer!!!  Crazy I know - however it’s all for a great cause!   The Twin Peaks also known as Ma Kong Shan (孖崗山)  are a pair of mountains. Hiking up The Twins involves walking up a long steep set of stairs featuring more than 1000 steps straight up - should take approx 3-4 hours! Date of our hike : 12th August! Please my sweetest and dearest, take a little time from your day to make that “click”. Help “Team Pankies “ raise some money for Love 21 Foundation and make a difference! From Mark, James, Kristina, Audrey and meThank you!!! Will keep you updated on Facebook!!   

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Raised So Far : HKD 11,619

Target : HKD 5,000


Raised So Far : HKD 2,800

Target : HKD 2,000

Raised So Far : HKD 0

Target : HKD 2,000


Raised So Far : HKD 7,099

Target : HKD 5,000


Raised So Far : HKD 500

Target : HKD 2,000

Raised So Far : HKD 0

Target : HKD 10,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

Please help to support Aiden, Connelly, Emily, Jack, Hami and Mella to raise funds for Love 21 Foundation.   

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Raised So Far : HKD 4,700

Target : HKD 3,000

Fundraising for:
Love 21 Foundation

KIDZILLA VS EVERESTCalibrate Studios is raising money for a cause close to our hearts!We are joining the The Keep Moving Project on their second annual Kidzilla, a fitness challenge in support of Love 21 ( and the Down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong.The Goal: Rep, step, bike, row our way up to the top of Mount Everest as many times as we can. On Saturday, 14th August, we will be down at the Happy Valley Pitch from 8:00-9:00am doing a bodyweight workout. In teams of no more than 4 people, The Calibrate coaches have created a program lasting for an hour. The workout is designed so that each team will hit 8,849 reps/metres at the end of the session. Afterwards, we will tally up the results in total to see how many times each team conquers Mount Everest. The workout will be challenging yet achievable! There will be prizes on which team can conquer the most distance/reps. The buy in for each team is a minimum of $1,200, which all proceeds will be going towards The Keep Moving Project. If you would like to participate, drop us an email at [email protected]. Come down, enjoy the community and join us to help raise money for Love 21! If you would like any more information on The Keep Moving Project, visit their website at:  

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Raised So Far : HKD 37,940

Target : HKD 10,000


Raised So Far : HKD 1,800

Target : HKD 20,000


Raised So Far : HKD 1,400

Target : HKD 2,000