Khair Akbar

Malaysia     Education,Emotional Support,Environment

Fundraisers ( 2 Results )

Fundraising for:
Khair Akbar

This is my son. Akil. The 1st out of 4. He has ASD but Mild and functioning. Previous school shunt him out because he was perceived as 'weird'.  I've transferred him to a new school at suburb area which are more accepting. Since he has Autism, although mild, he has a problem with sharing. Even with his sibling sometimes. So nobody will be friend with him at school or in our neighbourhood. He has no friend at school. He's always eating & playing alone. Sometimes the teacher will accompany him out of pity. To bring him to a playground (which is quite far from our house), he will play the activities that other kids are not playing because he is so shy. And sometimes he will be pushed away because he hesitate to thinks before he do play. So I hope to build a playground for him, so that he can invite other kids to play at HIS place. By building this playground, i hope (with my intervention) he will learn to share, makes friend with kids from this nighbourhood, and have life like other kids.  Thats my ultimate goal: Him having friends.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 20,000

Fundraising for:
Khair Akbar

This is my son. Akil. The 1st out of 4. He has ASD but Mild and functioning. Previous school shunt him out because he was perceived as 'weird'.  I've transferred him to a new school at suburb area which are more accepting. Since he has Autism, although mild, he has a problem with sharing. Even with his sibling sometimes. So nobody will be friend with him at school or in our neighbourhood. He has no friend at school. He's always eating & playing alone. Sometimes the teacher will accompany him out of pity. To bring him to a playground (which is quite far from our house), he will play the activities that other kids are not playing because he is so shy. And sometimes he will be pushed away because he hesitate to thinks before he do play. So I hope to build a playground for him, so that he can invite other kids to play at HIS place. By building this playground, i hope (with my intervention) he will learn to share, makes friend with kids from this nighbourhood, and have life like other kids.  Thats my ultimate goal: Him having friends.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 20,000