
香港海洋公園保育基金 OPCFHK

  • Hong Kong    Animals, Environment
Raised So Far HKD 28,930

香港海洋公園保育基金 OPCFHK

香港海洋公園保育基金承諾透過協作籌款與科研教育,致力提倡促進及參與亞洲區內務實有效的野生生態保育工作,並重點保育中華白海豚與大熊貓以及其棲息地。保育基金展望各界無私合作 ,攜手保護亞洲野生生態長久繁盛豐饒。

OPCFHK is committed to advocating, facilitating and participating in effective conservation of Asian wildlife, with an emphasis on Chinese white dolphins and giant pandas as well as their habitats through partnerships, fundraising, research and education. It envisions a world where Asian wildlife remains biologically diverse under the stewardship of humans, corporations and governments.

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