

  • Malaysia    Emotional Support, Health, Medical & Health, Social Welfare
Raised So Far MYR 2,161


CLAPAM provides various support services including counselling, information on feeding and care of cleft babies, and hospital/house visits. CLAPAM also functions as a link between parent members and medical professional members. CLAPAM’s mission is to educate and increase the awareness level of the public regarding the management of cleft individuals and cleft issues through our various activities whilst striving to be a one stop centre for cleft issues nationwide.

CLAPAM also aims to be the link between parents who wish to seek medical assistance and the medical professionals. CLAPAM is a self-supporting organization, relying on donations mainly from CLAPAM members, private corporations and members of the public. The funds received are channeled into the running of our office and helping less fortunate families with cleft children. CLAPAM strives to encourage more local support groups nationwide.

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