
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

By climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with my friends and witnessing the effects of climate change, I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream and aiming to raise awareness about environmental issues, and of course, raising much-needed funds for charity. It's crucial for everyone to do their part, and if we all act collectively, we can be the change that the world needs. Baby big steps. It would be great to have your support! 

On January 25th, the Project C:CHANGE 2020 Kilimanjaro Climb will see twelve climbers from all over the world ascend Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, to generate awareness about the illegal wildlife trade and to raise funds to primarily help benefit The Nature Conservancy (TNC). All funds raised will provide life-transforming support to reforestation projects in Asia Pacific, wildlife and land conservation in Africa and relief to the Australian bushfires. Our goals are to restore and protect irreplaceable landscape, biodiversity and wildlife for the future.  
Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2020, Project C:CHANGE 2020 Kilimanjaro Climb akan mengajak 12 pendaki dari seluruh dunia menaklukan Gunung Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, untuk membangun kesadaran akan perdagangan satwa liar yang ilegal dan melakukan penggalangan dana untuk membantu The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Seluruh dana yang terkumpul akan digunakan untuk memberikan dukungan kepada proyek reboisasi di Asia pasifik, pelestarian satwa dan alam di Afrika serta bantuan untuk kebakaran hutan di Australia. Tujuan Organsisasi ini adalah untuk memperbaiki dan melindungi alam, keanekaragaman hayati serta satwa yang tidak tergantikan untuk masa depan.
Mount Kilimanjaro is the world’s tallest free-standing mountain, with its highest point reaching 19,341 ft. Known as the “Rooftop of Africa,” it is also one of the Seven Summits of the World. It will be a challenging eight-day journey using the Lemosho route to summit Uhuru Peak, battling altitude and five different ecological zones (Cultivation, Rainforest, Heather-Moorland, Alpine Desert, Arctic). The entire trip will be carbon offset and self-funded by the climbers.
Gunung Kilimanjaro adalah gunung, dengan puncak yang mencapai 19,341 kaki. Dikenal sebagai “Rooftop of Africa", gunung ini juga termasuk salah satu dari Seven Summits of the World. Perjalanan selama 8 hari akan sangat menantang melewati rute Lemosho menuju puncak Uhuru, melawan ketinggian dan lima zona ekologis (Cultivation, Rainforest, Heather-Moorland, Alpine Desert, Artic). Seluruh perjalanan ini akan ramah emisi karbon dan didanai sendiri oleh para pendaki.
Some of the money gathered from the fundraising will be donated to nature conservation in Indonesia. TNC is building on over 20 years of experience working with various partners in Indonesia to help supply many needs of growing population while addressing risks from climate change and providing habitat for a rich array of species, including critically endangered Bornean orangutans, hawksbill sea turtles and the Pacific tuna. Moreover, along with the partners, TNC also promotes the value of nature and catalyze transformational changes in conservation and sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of communities and wildlife.

Hasil dari penggalangan dana ini akan ditujukan untuk membantu konservasi alam di Indonesia. Sudah lebih dari 20 tahun, TNC bekerja sama dengan berbagai partner di Indonesia untuk menyediakan kebutuhan-kebutuhan populasi yang terus bertambah dan juga mengatasi risiko perubahan iklim serta menyediakan habitat untuk beragam spesies, termasuk orangutan Kalimantan, penyu sisik dan tuna Pasifik yang terancam punah. TNC juga mempromosikan manfaat alam dan katalisasi perubahan transformasional dalam konservasi dan penggunaan sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan untuk kepentingan masyarakat dan satwa liar.

Recent Donors

  • Soraya Kaoroptham

    Proud of all your accomplishments! Sukses selalu ya Raline and keep being humble.

    USD 250 02/15/2020 02:44:58 AM UTC

  • Fifi Pangestu

    SO proud of you!!

    USD 250 02/14/2020 08:13:03 PM UTC


    USD 100 02/11/2020 12:41:45 AM UTC

  • Thomas W. Künstner

    Railine, go for it!!👍💪💪👍

    USD 25 01/28/2020 05:11:21 PM UTC

  • Isabelle Wright

    USD 50 01/27/2020 08:27:10 PM UTC

  • Ferron Haryanto

    USD 100 01/27/2020 08:39:05 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    So glad that you are involved in this project, Raline! keep inspiring😄

    IDR 50,000 01/26/2020 08:46:00 AM UTC

  • Ria P

    IDR 250,000 01/26/2020 08:41:52 AM UTC

  • Robin Koh

    SGD 100 01/26/2020 07:42:15 AM UTC

  • Richard Craib

    USD 250 01/26/2020 07:29:04 AM UTC

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