Personal Fundraising

Kelly Chok

  • Malaysia    Chronic Illness, Disaster Relief, Education, Environment, Health, Hospice & Hospital, Humanitarian Aid, Medical & Health, Rescue
Raised So Far USD 159

Kelly Chok

Medical and public health practitioners, knowledge managers, technology experts, and community workers started the Fight-Covid19 initiative and utilize the UNIQUIZZ Smart Mobile Knowledge Platform that is available in the App Stores to provide all information fast, sustainable and free of licensing costs.

In order to make the app available for free to the benefit of all sections of society, to make accessible now, when it is needed most and to keep knowledge current, funding is required now. This demands contributions quickly, which can't be realized via traditional, much slower funding processes.

You can support this initiative as a partner, sponsor (CSR), or donor and help us to reach out to more people.
We are currently building a network of NGO's, to manage the project and we are also setting up a crowdfunding campaign.

As time matters we need your help now to be able to manage information, technology, and people to fight Covid19.

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