
Habitat For Humanity International, Inc.

  • Philippines   
Raised So Far USD 13,350

Habitat For Humanity International, Inc.

The Challenges are Huge, but Everyone in the Asia-Pacific Region Deserves a Place to Call Home

   Habitat for Humanity International helps to turn such expectations into reality by transforming lives through the provision of safe, decent and affordable homes. 
   A decent home opens the door to improved health, better performance in school, greater economic opportunities, and increased community cohesion. For 35 years, Habitat for Humanity has been a catalyst for such transformations, often achieving great success by working with like-minded partners. The impact is not only felt by families whom Habitat helps. Entire communities are also transformed when partners support Habitat by providing power, water and sanitation facilities, schools, community facilities and employment opportunities. 
   The challenges of combating poverty housing are complex. The Asia-Pacific region encompasses many unique and diverse societies. A housing solution that makes sense on an island in the western Pacific is very different to what works in a New Zealand suburb. Or a fishing village in Orissa. Or a slum in Metro Manila. Or a mountain village in China.
   Every day, across the Asia-Pacific region, Habitat for Humanity and family partner rise together to the challenges.

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