
點滴是生命 A Drop of Life

  • Hong Kong    Disaster Relief, Rescue, Social Welfare

點滴是生命 A Drop of Life

點滴是生命於1998年3月27日成立,是香港政府註冊慈善機構(稅局檔號:91/5246),宗旨是「傳遞愛,實現愛」,主要為國內乾旱地區籌建集雨水窖,為中國內地偏遠地區賑災、扶貧、送暖,亦定期向本港弱勢社群及長者作探訪並派發物資等。自 2004 年起,已為國內西北部乾旱地區建成43,000多眼水窖,為超過58萬人改善缺水問題,改善他們的生活! 2011年起,我們已於甘肅省靜寧縣和寧夏興建15座塘壩;而援助學生營養餐項目亦於2011年9月學期在各山區小學正式開始資助,讓更多學生受惠。至今,透過國內及香港各項慈善活動服務超過80萬人。

A Drop of Life is a non-profit making organization founded and registered with the HKSAR Government on 27 March 1998 (IRD Ref.: 91/5246). We follow the mandate: Passing our love and working for love. Our core services are building rain-saving water cellars for arid areas in China, organizing relief efforts for natural disaster victims, poverty relief and bringing warmth programs, as well as organizing regular visits to the elderly and people in need in Hong Kong. Since 2004, more than 43,000 water cellars were built, over 580,000 people were served. 2011 onwards, we have built 15 reservoirs in Jingning and Ningxia of the Gansu province, also nutritious meals program was launched in aid of primary schools in the remote areas since September 2011, which aims to improve students’ health. Up to now, over 800,000 people were benefited from our various charitable programs and activities.

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