
Do you know refugee and asylum-seeking children and youth? Do you know they are not allowed to attend government schools at any level in Malaysia? Do you know they lack economic supports for sustaining their qualified education in informal community-based learning centers supported by UNHCR and its partners? 🤲❤📚📙📘📒 Do you know qualified education is one of the human rights in Sustainable development goals (SDGs) ? Do you know how important education is to a person throughout his/her life? Do you want to give those children a hand?💪 Donate for them as much as you can, now! 💰

My Story

There's a proverb in chinese “取之社會,用之社會”, which means "Getting from society, giving back to the society". 
I believe giving positive service to people, will be more happy than accept the service from others.

Hence, As a volunteer, my passion is..... 
Helping people who demands helps to become strong people, and those strong people help the other people who are more demanding of helps, to create a positive cycle in social impact. 

But at the same time, I believe one person's power is limited. 

So, I need the ones who have same ambition as me to raise funds for Warrior Bride Learning Centre (WBLC) and Somali Refugee Centre (SRC) students for substaining centres' operation, especially for students' educational resources. 

Donate the money as much as you can.

RM1000 is my target being a fundraiser. 

Let's hit the target together!! 
I'm Tan Yan Kai, one of the AIESEC MYVs from Taylor's University. 

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