
Say “NO” to shark fin soup!

My Story

Hello, we are two 3rd Year students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It's our pleasure and honor to be interns in 2021 at the Hong Kong Shark Foundation. We appreciate the hard work and dedication the Foundation has devoted to environmental protection. After joining the organization, our perception towards sharks completely changed - sharks are more afraid of you than you are of them!

Most of you may assume sharks as killers, which leads to fear and suspicion. However, these prejudices are mostly reinforced by the media, like the famous Jaws movie franchise. Based on scientific research, there is only one in 3,748,067 chances you could be attacked and killed by a shark, which is a very small possibility. This is not an excuse to treat sharks in an unfair way.

Did you know we kill over 100 million sharks per year? Every time there is a shark attack somewhere, humans just go on a rampage and kill every shark in the area. An estimated number of 100 million sharks are killed annually for their fins alone. Comparatively, deadly shark attacks against humans are extremely rare. By comparison, on average there are 6-8 people killed every year by shark attacks. It is clear who is more dangerous when comparing sharks and humans.

You may have heard that eating shark fin soup could bring health benefits, like improving our sexual potency, skin quality, and prevention of certain diseases. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these alleged health benefits.  Additionally, not only do the fins contain heavy metal poisons like mercury, lead, and arsenic, it is absolutely inhumane to continue hunting sharks and consuming fins. Moreover, consuming shark fin soup has long been a Chinese traditional culture, which also contributed to 1/3 of sharks now facing EXTINCTION.  That said, will you still consume shark fin soup? 

Sharks are apex predators that keep the whole delicate marine ecosystem balanced and without sharks, we humans cannot survive. Is it time to protect the sharks in order to help ourselves and promote marine conservation? In the eyes of “face” and “survive”, which one will you select, either consume or stop?  Say “NO” to shark fin soup!

Remember - when the buying stops, the killings stop TOO!

大家好!我們是就讀於香港理工大學三年級的學生。我們很高興並榮幸在 2021 年成為香港護鯊會的實習生。 我們感謝基金會在環境保護方面的辛勤工作和奉獻。 加入該組織後,我們對鯊魚的看法完全改變——相對人類害怕鯊魚,鯊魚更害怕人類!

很多人可能認為鯊魚是殺手,對鯊魚產生恐懼和懷疑。然而,這些偏見大多是被媒體塑造,比如著名的大白鯊電影系列。根據科學研究,被鯊魚襲擊和殺死的可能性只有 3,748,067 分之一,這種可能性很小。 所以我們不可以對待鯊魚不公平。

您知道我們每年殺死超過 1 億條鯊魚嗎? 每當某地方發生鯊魚襲擊時,人類就會橫衝直撞,殺死該地區的每條鯊魚。 並且,估計每年有 1 億隻鯊魚因魚鰭而被殺死。 相比之下,鯊魚對人類的致命襲擊極為罕見,平均每年只有 6-8 人死於鯊魚襲擊。 在比較鯊魚和人類時,誰更危險就一目了然了。

您可能聽說過吃魚翅湯可以帶來健康益處,例如提高我們的性能力、皮膚狀況和預防某些疾病。 然而,沒有科學證據支持這些所謂的健康益處。 此外,魚翅不僅含有汞、鉛、砷等重金屬毒物,繼續捕殺鯊魚和食用魚翅是絕對不人道的。而且,吃魚翅湯是中國源遠流長的傳統文化,這也是導致現在有1/3的鯊魚麵臨滅絕的原因。 所以,你還會喝魚翅湯嗎?

鯊魚是頂級掠食者,它們使整個脆弱的海洋生態系統保持平衡,沒有鯊魚,我們人類就無法生存。 這不就是時候保護鯊魚以幫助人類和促進海洋保護了嗎? 在“面子”和“生存”的中,你會選擇哪個?消費還是停止? 對魚翅湯說“不”!

請記住 - 沒有購買,沒有殺戮!


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  • Charles Barker

    Good luck with the fund-raising!

    HKD 1,000 06/21/2021 10:51:58 AM UTC

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