
Help me help others ! As you’ll be aware from the news, the pandemic situation in India is becoming increasingly tragic. They are currently facing a surge of COVID cases that is overwhelming the healthcare system. I know many of us have family, friends and colleagues you work closely with in our KPMG India and KGS teams who are being impacted by this crisis. I will be Running, Swimming each day next 10 days to hit the 10KM to help raise Funds. The water is 9 degrees Celsius in Copenhagen now and air an average of 12d.

My Story

Why ? - to help raise funds for those in need in India!

Setting the goal - 3K HKD (approx. 400USD)

Getting to it - by  combining Running or Swimming (in the cold ocean) or both in or order to reach10KM per day.

The Equipment - a pair of running shoes and swim pants (NOT speedos)

The Environment - The Sea between Denmark and Sweden for short cold swims and the Danish nature for runs.

The problem - I haven't been in that cold water for 15 years and that was just once.. secondly longest I ran in a stretch the last year is 7KM.

Why in Denmark - I am visiting my sick parents and will make use of the nice nature and sea for the challenge

Recent Donors

  • Michael Teytaud

    HKD 400 05/20/2021 11:56:13 AM UTC

  • N E

    HKD 350 05/18/2021 08:58:37 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 100 05/10/2021 12:57:48 PM UTC

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