Fundraising Event

Donation Needed to Help Underprivileged Children with Autism through Sensory Based Therapy

  • 01/06/2021 - 31/01/2022
  • Malaysia
MYR 590
3% Complete
Target : MYR 15,750

About Event

So many autistics kids from underprivileged family could not have the chance to receive a therapy session for their problems. Help us to to help them. For a brighter future.

Our aim is to provide FREE 200 Sensory Based Therapy Session for atleast 200 Kids. You can donate RM80 for one session for one kids, or you can choose to donate RM315 for 4 therapy session to 4 autistic kids. You can just donate any amount you prefer, and for each RM80 accumulated, it can already cover 1 session for these kids.  Any amount will do.

More Explanation on the Benefits and why Sensory Based Therapy will help to improve their life is stated below.

Terlalu ramai Kanak-kanak Autism dari kalangan keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan tidak mempunyai peluang untuk menerima sesi terapi bagi masalah mereka. Bantu kami untuk membantu mereka. Untuk masa depan yang lebih gemilang. 

Matlamat kami adalah untuk memberikan 200 kelas Terapi Sensori secara PERCUMA kepada lebih kurang 200 kanak-kanak autism. Anda boleh membuat sumbangan sebanyak RM80 untuk menaja satu sesi terapi atau anda juga boleh membuat sumbangan sebanyak RM315 untuk menaja 4 sesi terapi yang akan memberi faedah kepada sekurang-kurangnya 4 kanak-kanak autism yang bertuah. Tiada paksaan dalam apa jua nilai yang diberikan. Setiap RM80 sumbangan yang terkumpul akan terus digunakan untuk menaja satu sesi terapi.

Penjelasan lanjut mengenaikan Terapi Sensori, faedah dan kebaikannya buat kanak-kanak Autism ada dijelaskan di bawah.

很多来自贫穷家庭的自闭症儿童都是无法获得个机会参加疗程。 因此,在此真心希望你们可以帮助他们,让他们拥有一个美好的未来。

我们的目标是为了提供免费200个疗程给至少200位儿童。您可以捐助单次疗程(价格是RM80)给一名自闭症儿童, 或者 你也可以选捐助四次疗程(价格是RM315) 给予四名儿童。 当然,您也可以任意捐助能接受的金额。每当 总筹款到达 RM80时, 将会有位自闭症儿童得到 单次疗程。我们是非常欢迎 任意金额的捐助的。

您能继续往下阅读,以了解更多 疗程对自闭症儿童的好处 与 疗程对于改善他们的生活的重要性。


This is a fundraising campaign to provide sponsorship for underprivileged children on the autism spectrum to get appropriate treatment and therapy.

The number count of children with autism keeps increasing, however many of them are not able to get treatment and therapy that is specifically-designed for them. Globally, 1 in 160 children has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

(Sources: World Health Organization)

Children with ASD commonly face difficulties in their lives as they have limited ability to socialize with others. They have difficulty communicating and interacting with other people whether among adults or their own peers. Sometimes, they show restricted and repeated behaviors, and might easily have meltdowns, especially in public spaces.

Most children with ASD are hypersensitive to their surroundings. A regular light ray to us can be bright and harsh to them; an average music volume to us can be a loud sound to them. As such, it is very easy for them to be panicking and have meltdowns due to the sensory overload. Sometimes, children with ASD might have hyposensitivity to stimulus. For instance, they do not really see, hear, or feel anything, and this makes it difficult for them to engage with other people.

Therefore, this campaign is established with the aim of helping underprivileged children with ASD to get the treatment they need, which is Sensory Based Therapy; an essential treatment that will help them improve their symptoms and live more comfortably.



这是一项筹款活动, 目的是为了赞助来自贫困家庭的自闭症儿童,让孩子们获得合适的治疗。患有自闭症的儿童人数逐渐上升,但是他们当中有许多人无法得到为他们设计的治疗方案。然而每160名儿童中就会有1名儿童患有自闭症。(来源:世界卫生组织)

自闭症儿童通常会因为沟通能力有限而遇到生活上的困难。他们很难与别人沟通及交流,不论对方是成年人或者同龄人。他们会表现出限制性及重复性的举动,并且很容易崩溃, 尤其是公共场所。

大部分自闭症儿童对于周围环境非常敏感,对于我们来说普通的光线会让他们感到刺眼;对于我们来说普通的音乐音量对于他们可能是很大的声音。因此,感官超负荷会使他们感到惊慌失措并且崩溃。 自闭症儿童也有可能对周围的刺激缺乏反应,例如,他们无法真正的看到,听到或者感觉到任何东西,这也导致他们很难与他人互动。

因此,这个筹款活动的主要目的就是帮助来自贫困家庭的自闭症儿童获得他们所需要的治疗, 也就是感官疗法,这是一个非常重要的治疗方法,可以帮助他们改善症状并且生活得更舒适。

How Sensory Based Therapy helps children with ASD? 

Sensory Based Therapy has two main sessions. We aim to train their senses during the first session by conducting Sensory Integration Training, Sensory Brushing, Joint Compression, Massaging, and Gross Motor Skills Training. This is how they can slowly adapt to and accept the stimulus from their surroundings. As a result, the rate of meltdowns can be decreased.

For the second session, Occupational Training, Speech Training, Fine Motor Skills Training, Social Skills Training, Pet Care Vocational Training, and more will be conducted to help them develop their social skills. Thus, they can interact with others better than before after joining the therapy. To note, Weplay products; which have been awarded as one of the best-designed toys for children with ASD, will be used during both sessions.





Terapi Sensori terbahagi kepada dua sesi. Kami bermatlamat untuk membantu deria mereka didalam sesi yang pertama iaitu degan menjalani Terapi Intergrasi Sensori (SIT), Sensori Sentuhan, Pemampatan Sendi, Urutan dan Latihan Skil Motor Kasar. Dengan car aini, mereka dapat menyesuaikan diri terhadap alam sekeliling secara perlahan-lahan dan menerima rangsangan dari sekeliling mereka. Dengan itu, kadar untuk mereka mudah berasa sedih dan tidak selesa terhadap alam sekeliling menjadi kurang.

Untuk sesi yang kedua terapi yang akan dijalankan adalah Terapi Pemulihan Cara Kerja, Terapi Pertuturan, Terapi Skil Motor Halus, Latihan Skil Sosial, Latihan Vokasional Penjagaan Haiwan dan banyak lagi untuk membantu kanak-kanak memperkembangkan skil sosial mereka. Sekali gus, membolehkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan orang sekeliling dengan lebih baik. Dalam pada itu, produk WePlay telah dianugerahkan sebagai salah satu permainan yang mempunyai reka bentuk terbaik untuk digunakan didalam kedua-dua sesi bagi kanak-kanak autistik.

What happens when children with ASD did not get the appropriate treatment?

The lack of interacting skills causes them to be more vulnerable and an easy target of bullying. Difficulties in assimilating themselves into a general school setting might cause them to be socially isolated by others. Their restricted and repetitive behavior will also make them incapable of carrying out their daily routine. For examples:

-   Being uncomfortable to bath in a different time

-   Leaving the house for outdoor activities

-   Feeling anxious when there are visitors at home

-   Eating new food such as vegetables and fruits

-   Unable to switch task and adapt to change of plans

Without getting the proper treatment and therapy, these children might be unable to take care of themselves when they reaches adulthood.



-       在不同的时间洗澡时感到不舒服

-       离开房子进行户外活动

-       家里有访客时感到焦虑

-       吃蔬菜和水果等新食物

-       无法切换任务及无法适应计划的变更


And this is how you can help! 

The fee for a one therapy session is RM 80 per child for 3 hours session. For each RM80 donation that we received, we are able to sponsor one (1) underprivileged child with ASD to join this therapy free of charge. Currently, our aim is to be able to sponsor two hundreds (200) underprivileged children with ASD to get Sensory Based Therapy.

That’s why we need your donations of any size. Regardless of the value, each penny donated is a tiny step of providing hope for these children. Therefore, we appreciate each of your donation as we believe that every little contribution is done out of love!

Let's help underprivileged children with ASD together. Let's give them a chance, let's provide them with hope of a better and comfortable life!


为期一个月的治疗环节费用为每名儿童RM315.一旦资金达到RM 315 我们就能赞助一名来自贫困家庭的自闭症儿童免费参与这项治疗。目前,我们的目标是能够赞助50名弱势家庭的自闭症儿童参与这项治疗。




Yuran bagi seorang kanak-kanak untuk satu sesi terapi adalah RM80. Kami mampu untuk menaja seorang kanak-kanak autistik yang kurang berkemampuan sebaik sahaja jumlah sumbangan mencapai RM80. Sehubungan dengan itu, semua sumbangan yang diterima akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk menaja kanak-kanak autistik yang kurang berkemampuan untuk mendapatkan Terapi Sensori.


Segala nilai dan bentuk sumbangan amat dihargai, kerana setiap sumbangan adalah diberikan dengan kasih sayang. Buat masa ini, matlamat kami adalah untuk menaja 200 orang kanak-kanak autistik yang kurang berkemampuan untuk mendapatkan Terapi Sensori. Justifikasinya, biarpun hanya RM1, ianya sumbangan yang sangat berharga buat kami.

Marilah sama-sama kita membantu kanak-kanak autistik yang kurang berkemampuan. Sekaligus memberikan peluang dan harapan kepada mereka.


Children with ASD commonly face difficulties in their lives as they have limited ability to socialize with others. They have difficulty communicating and interacting with others, and sometimes show restricted and repeated behaviors. Also, they might easily have meltdowns, especially in public spaces.

One of the reasons contributing to the meltdowns is because most children with ASD are hypersensitive to their surroundings. A regular light ray to us can be bright and harsh to them; an average music volume to us can be a loud sound to them. As such, they easily panic and have meltdowns when they become too sensitive to the surroundings.

Sometimes children with ASD might have hyposensitivity to stimulus. For instance, they do not really see, hear, or feel anything, and this makes it difficult for them to engage with other people. Hence, Sensory Based Therapy is essential to help them improve their symptoms and live more comfortably!


Kanak-kanak yang menghidap ASD biasanya mengalami kesukaran di dalam hidup mereka kerana mempunyai kekurangan untuk membentuk hubungan sosial dengan orang sekeliling. Mereka merasakan agak sukar untuk berinteraksi mahupun berkomunikasi dengan orang sekeliling di samping menunjukkan tingkah laku yang berulang dan terhad. Malahan mereka juga mudah berasa sedih ataupun tidak selesa lebih-lebih lagi di kawasan awam.

Salah satu punca keadaan itu adalah kerana kanak-kanak autistik adalah ekstra sensitif terhadap sekeliling. Sinaran cahaya yang biasa bagi kita tetapi terang dan menyakitkan mata bagi mereka; kelantangan musik yang sederhana untuk kita tetapi kuat dan lantang bagi mereka. Oleh sebab yang demikian, mereka mudah panik dan berasa sedih serta tidak selesa.

Kadangkala, kanak-kanak autistik mengalami masalah kurang sensitif terhadap sesuatu rangsangan. Sebagai contoh mereka tidak peka aka napa yang dilihat, didengar mahupun diarasa. Ini membuatkan mereka berasa sukar untuk berhubung dengan yang lain. Oleh sebab itu, Terapi Sensori adalah sangat penting untuk membantu mereka menambahbaikkan gejala yang dialam untuk menjalani hidup yang lebih selesa.


自闭症患儿普遍都会在生活中遇到困难,因为他们很难去和别人打交道。 他们很难与别人沟通和接触, 有时他们还会表现出一些重复的动作。他们也有可能性崩溃, 尤其是在公共场合。 其中一个导致崩溃的原因是因为大多数自闭症患儿是对环境非常敏感的。平常的光线,都会让他们觉得很亮也有冲击力;中等音量的音乐对于他们而言是很大声的。所以, 他们很容易被惊吓和崩溃, 当他们对周围环境感觉非常敏感。
有些自闭症患儿也有弱敏的可能性。 举个例子, 他们不容易看,听或感知,以导致他们很难和别人相处。因此这个疗程Sensory Based Therapy是可以帮助他们改善他们的症状, 让他们可以过得更加舒适。

Donate today to help Underprivileged Children with Autism through Sensory Based Therapy!




A Plus is a platform that strives to promote positivity for people with Autism. Instead of promoting awareness, A+ strives to highlight on the “plus” points of Autism and hopefully by inducing positivity for people towards the word “Autism”, it will make the world a better place for everyone.



A Plus 是一个致力于为自闭症患者提升正面性。不只是倡导意识,A Plus更致力于提高自闭症的“加点”,并且希望通过提升人们对“自闭症”的正面性,可以是这个世界变得更适合所有人。