Fundraising Event

Please help the furkids who have become victims of urban development!

  • 03/07/2017 - 30/09/2017
  • Hong Kong
HKD 472,220
63% Complete
Target : HKD 740,000 Raised Offline : HKD 435,000

About Event

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流離失所毛小孩的心聲 :「想要一個可以為我遮風擋雨的避風港,是遙不可及的願望嗎?」




在幾經轉折和努力下,終於覓得一塊「爛地」和一間日久失修的空置小石屋, 可作為興建新狗場之用。

本會(香港動物基金 Hong Kong Paws Foundation Ltd,以下簡稱為 HK Paws) 在資源緊絀的情況下,也一直為文婆婆的狗場提供支援協助。


有見及此,HK Paws 在今年6/30日於Facebook專頁和眾籌平台(Crowdfunding) 中公佈有關「籌募善款興建文婆婆狗場」的事宜,籌募善款目標為$700,000。


鑑於近期持續的酷熱天氣 ,為避免毛小孩們因此而中暑及令狗舍有較佳的散熱降溫效果,所以,決定多花$40,000來購買天花加設隔熱建材。








電郵 [email protected]或Whatsapp Kat Cheung 9485-5188 並附上全名及電郵地址

P.S. 可在入數紙上寫上,如「文婆婆狗場」等相關字眼,以方便記錄。不便之處,敬請見諒。謝謝!

另外,HK Paws 將會不定期提供捐款名單,以釋除公眾疑慮。但因人手有限,如有任何錯漏,煩請Whatsapp 或 email 通知,並會儘快處理。請各位多多包涵。感謝!


Grandma Man's Animal Shelter Fundraiser

As a recap, many animal charities in Hong Kong are running on very tight budget as there is virtually no support from the Government. The shortage of land supply, skyrocketing rent, lack of medical funds are just among the issues we face everyday.

Grandma Man is already in her 70s and suffers from long term medical conditions. These have never stopped her from taking care of the furkids by providing them with shelter, food and TNR in the last 20 odd years. However, her humble wish of providing for the furkids is now facing the largest crisis. She and the 60 furkids under her care are forced out of their current premise. After much struggles and turns of events, Grandma Man finally managed to secure a new location although it was literally just a piece of wasteland.

HK Paws Foundation (HK Paws), as an independent animal charity, has been supporting Grandma Man with resources and manpower for the past years. As such, HK Paws has launched a fundraiser for the relocation and construction of the new shelter on Jun 30.

As one can imagine, this is a project of large scale. HKPaws has exhausted means with launching the fundraiser on Facebook and crowdfunding site on SimplyGiving towards the fundraising target of HK$700,000.

For many it might be the cost of their second cars, but for the furkids,

It is their lifeline.

Thanks to all our generous donors, the construction work was started in July and things are falling into place. With the best interest of the furkids in mind, HKPaws has decided to incur an additional cost of HK$40,000 for installing insulation panels on the roof. As a result, the project cost has surged to HK$740,000. As of Aug 30, the tally stands at roughly HK$500,000 with the help of a few large lump sum donations including those from HKPaws’ former adopters. We are currently HK$240,000 short and the fund flows has stalled in the past few weeks, putting the last phase of construction work under challenge. If we do not reach the goal in the near future, the works might have to be halted and the furkids might end up homeless. This is the outcome we do not want, and this is why we are giving this campaign another big push. Every dollar counts. As always, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and speaking for those who can’t speak up we thank you with all our fluff and love.

We will be processing the receipts and posting breakdown of funds in the near future, but as you know HKPaws operates 100% by volunteers, we will strive to get to them as soon as we can.