Donation Appeal

Help support Kerry's India Chiropractic service trip (募資:Kerry 印度孟買脊椎神經醫療義診行)

  • China, Republic of (Taiwan)
Raised So Far TWD 24,555
54% Complete
Target : TWD 45,000

About Appeal

Kerry印度孟買脊椎神經醫療義診行募資 (Help support Kerry's India Chiropractic Service Trip)

    Thank you for taking the time to view my page and for having an interest in what I am up to. During January 25-27, I will embark on a 3-day chiropractic service trip to serve and adjust thousands of people in Mumbai, India with roughly 20 other students and doctors from my school, Life Chiropractic College West. My school has teamed up with the India Association of Chiropractic Doctors (IACD) and the Sant Nirankari Mission to expand the experience of chiropractic care in India. 

  The Sant Nirankari Mission hosts a major spiritual retreat twice every year (in November and January) that draws over 1.5 million people to a city temporarily. For January this year, the event will be taking place in Mumbai over the course of a 3 day period. It is estimated that over 60,000 combined volunteers, doctors and medical professionals of all kinds will be serving on site in the outdoor tent spaces provided. We will be spending our time in Mumbai adjusting and helping beautiful people coming from all places of India. 

  The mission of this service trip is about promoting health awareness and care for people who don’t often get exposed to chiropractic care due to the lack of local chiropractors in India as well as embracing cultural interactions of people across all regions. In order for me to provide the greatest care and help, I will be needing financial support. My funding goal is 1,500USD which includes 1000USD for flight and transportation and 500USD for expenses that will cover visa, hotel, food, medical consumables, etc

   2019年的1月25日至27日期間,我將與約二十位美西生命脊椎神經醫學校 (Life Chiropractic College West,簡稱Life West)醫師教授與診所實習醫生將來到全世界人口第二多的城市行政區印度孟買提供脊椎神經診療服務,全印度僅有10位脊椎神經專家,不及大量地醫療健康照護需求,這個計畫是Life West 與印度脊椎神經醫師協會和Sant Nirankari Mission合作,Sant Nirankari Mission一年兩度在1月與11月提供靈修營會吸引150萬人在三天中聚集在印度孟買一個郊區,每場有超過6萬名志工日夜供應膳食,在諾大的場地有來自世界各地的志工醫療團服務,我們一行人將在臨時搭建的帳篷,從早到晚提供脊椎調整義診服務,估計約服務上千人,是一個體能精神上極大挑戰的訓練,我們的到訪希望能夠提升大眾健康意識,跨越地域種族宗教文化,認識自然溫和非侵入性的脊醫治療,幫助修復身體生理神經的平衡運作機制,遠離疼痛不適的健康狀態,更大的宗旨是建立人與人間的關懷相愛.看見更多的笑容。

募資金額與使用方式(Funding goal and use)

募資目標45,000NTD,包含31,000元機票交通,13,000元簽證住宿飲食與醫療使用消耗品等. My funding goal is 1,500USD which includes 1000USD for flight and transportation and 500USD for expenses that will cover visa, hotel, food, medical consumables, etc

About me and Chiropractic (Taiwan-America, Public Health to Chiropractic)

  I am currently a ninth quarter out of twelve chiropractic student and have entered the clinical component of my education. Tow years ago, I moved from Taichung City, Taiwan to Hayward, California where my school Life Chiropractic College West located. The journey began so suddenly that my whole life made a complete shift in year to 2016 to 2017. Before moving and starting school, I was working for government in Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, where I mainly assisted in research and data analysis of Health Preventive Care for Adults which is a government sponsored free health check-up for adults aged over 40-year-old once every 3 years. I had always wondered what more I could do to help when I saw the increased rate in high blood pressure, diabetes, metabolic disease, and other chronic conditions. It wasn’t until the day after my mom was able to lift her head and look up to the beautiful sky again because of Chiropractic care, that I could see the hope of healing. I started to consider Chiropractic as a career more but I was really afraid of change and to leave everything that I had including my family, work, and all the relationships I had built over years and years of living in Taiwan. 

  Just when I was about to give up my school offer, Dr. Alvin Hsu, a registered chiropractor in Hong Kong and Life West student of the year in 2010, came to Taiwan and invited me to come to Hong Kong to participate in the World Spine Day event. He introduced me to nearly 20 Chiropractors and provided me places to stay. I had never thought a 5-day trip would be the turning point in my 30 years of life. I started Chiropractic school in January 2017 and now I’m serving people as a Chiropractic Intern in the Bay area. I spend over 50 hours/week at school and at weekend seminars with colleagues to advance my skill set and to learn the science, art and philosophy of Chiropractic care. I have seen and heard of many miracles and living testimonies through Chiropractic care. A lady who once could not eat and walk now stands up. A mom who once could not hold her baby because of pain now is able to take her kids out. Chiropractic creates miracles that change a person’s life and their family’s lives. That brings me to the reason for creating this page in hopes of contributing to a better humanity and love in this world.

關於我: 從公共衛生走到脊椎神經醫學

  2012年台大流行病學研究所畢業後,到了衛生福利部國民健康署慢性疾病組服務,期間按月按季分析著國人預防保健檢查的數據,看到國人三高數字慢性疾病攀升疑惑自己能貢獻什麼? 落實預防保健在衛教飲食運動之外還有其他選擇? 這段期間媽媽因為工作天天注視電腦長久不正確的姿勢壓迫到頸椎神經,導致手麻刺痛入夜難眠,醫學中心建議手術開刀,不到一個月刀排了開好了卻是長久復健的開始,有限的頸椎活動幅度影響她開車到走樓梯等自主行為,就在她復健時候我們一起認識了脊椎神經醫學,開始嘗試接受脊椎調整。一個週末我們母女到台中美術館散步聊天,她突然轉頭笑著對我說我竟然可以抬頭看到天空的鳥了耶!  一個健康者通常不會留意到的動作抬頭,那一刻是一個奢侈,她的笑容我一輩子難以忘了,更是我走向脊椎神經醫學的初衷-家人的健康。然而,理想與實際是有差距的,決定到出發許多生活財務情感上的艱難,直到開學前兩週才斷然買了ㄧ張台灣飛美國加州的單程機票托著行李來到一個陌生的地方,從那ㄧ天起到現在兩年了,打戰式學習沒有停止,當初沒有想過念這個脊椎神經醫學學習比起台灣高中考聯考還要操,經常超過16小時的念書跟練習再加假日全天seminar,每三個月可以有超過30次大小紙本與臨床調整考試,但在這些非常學習的過程觸碰我更多的是聽見看見的許多人生命故事的改變,焦頭忙著下一個考試中去看見脊椎神經醫學能給予一個人、一個家的盼望!透過脊椎調整一個人不用靠著助行器自己扶著桿走上樓看診,一個突發冒冷汗低血壓年輕男孩調整一節胸椎骨瞬間恢復正常生理機能,受傷的職業運動員調整後在下一場的球賽中為全隊贏得關鍵得勝,一個走路不自覺左偏右偏的孩子可以開始跑步,脊椎調整幫助血壓穩定、頸椎腰椎等肌肉神經性的疼痛有著許多實證醫學報告,這些都是在不吃藥不打針不用手術的保守性脊椎神經調整治療改變的真真實實改變一個人改變一個家的生命故事,脊醫是醫療行為也是預防保健重要的一環比如懂的適當飲食運動照顧自己與家人的健康一樣重要。

Why India?

  Looking back at my journey so far in becoming a chiropractor, my roots have been from a deeper calling from God. I became a Christian at school one night when my friend prayed for healing over my breathing issues that had bothered me for weeks in August. That night after all my breathing problems and symptoms suddenly disappeared. Interestingly enough, this friend that prayed for me was also the person that sat next to me on the very first day that I walked into the school back in January at the International Students orientation. When God first spoke to me about going to India in December, 2018, I was not serious about it as I feel more going service trip before I graduate. It wasn’t until the beginning two weeks of school in January when He showed me signs and visions when I didn’t see any possibility realistically because I didn’t meet the requirements and I didn’t even know if I would pass the exam to be qualified to join. 

  On Jan 12, He revealed to me when I prayed to Him to show me if it was His will. That day, I walked into San Jose City College for a weekend seminar, I sat down and turned my head and noticed a world map marked Indian Ocean about 2” next to my face. During lunch break, my friend asked what to eat in our group chat, another friend texted “How about Indian buffet?” We went to Indian restaurants where all chefs and customers were all Indians. At night, my phone popped up with a photo of yummy Indian food, guess who sent this? The person I first met at school who also prayed for me that night I became Christian. I later went to a plaza nearby my house in the evening, God just showed more signs to me. I cried so bad that night. I myself didn’t know why but my heart knew why. 

  Why India? For you Lord and for people! I will go to serve Chiropractic care and to give and love people there. I believe our hands are blessed by Your hands, to help man to be healed physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thank you God for love people so much. My trip to the World Spine Day event in Hong Kong 2 months before I started Chiropractic school was the first turning point. Now, I truly believe that this trip to India will be another amazing turning point in my calling and journey to become who He calls me to be. Thank you for being part of the cause to spread healing and love without-boarders. Your love and support is greatly appreciated.


  我是一個基督徒,身為基督徒最重要的就是與神建立親密關係聆聽祂的聲音,約一個月前祂告訴我去印度我心想這玩笑開大了吧,但祂是認真的。在我拖延繳交申請文件時祂提醒我,在我看見診所資格考結果以為自己失去機會,看見分離與失敗時祂鼓勵我。1/12日我在禱告裡問祂神如果您真要我去印度就讓我看到很多的印度人事物,當天我到南灣上seminar一坐下轉頭我看到世界地圖,大大的印度洋就在我的右臉頰5公分旁,半信半疑中到了午餐休息的時間,好朋友在群組突然提議一起去吃吃到飽印度餐廳,心想慘了印度餐廳啊就是一堆印度人啊! 奇妙的是我們抵達看見印度菜印度人後來卻改吃別的,晚上好朋友傳了一張印度菜照片說他正在學校附近的印度餐廳(這朋友我們學校基督社社長,是我走進學校的第一個說話的朋友),一直到晚上連我停車去看書的地方都是印度人,那一天不誇張是我大概目前看過最多印度人事物的一天。然而,即便神透過這些風趣的方式印證祂的指引我去印度的義診行,但我根本還不確定自己資格考試會不會通過,關鍵24小時中準備著考試,考完忐忑追著老師協助催成績出來,剩下最後1小時還能免費取消機票期間,我收到"You pass"的通知也就是拿到去印度入場券,感謝主(泣)!!! 那天離我出發不到一週,辦了簽證完成了所有該填文件,我在自己的軟弱中看見神的應許是信實的,在祂沒有難成的事!因為祂緊緊的呼召,我深信去印度這不單只是一個脊椎神經醫療義診行,每一個我遇到的病人告訴自己要仔細評估調整,要為他們祝福禱告,我要將神的愛與祝福帶到印度各個角落,謝謝您讓我帶著您的支助與愛心幫助更多的人。。

到底何謂脊骨神經醫學? 台灣哪裡可以找到脊椎神經醫學專家?

  脊骨神經醫學 (Chiropractic)目前已在美加香港新加坡等地迅速發展獨立的醫療體系,脊醫並非西醫分科,不需經任何轉介,可直接提供第一線的醫療服務 。根據台灣台灣凱羅健康協會(Taiwan Chiropractic Doctor’s Society) 和香港脊醫學會 (Hong Kong Chiropractic Association LTD),脊骨神經發展一百餘年,已是西方國家先進醫學的第三大醫療體系,於西醫的內外科與牙科之後。聯合國世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)中的世界脊骨神經聯盟(World Federation of Chiropractic)共有60個會員國,並致力協助世界衛生組織推動科學研究與世界衛生的推廣。脊椎是人體主要神經系統的保護罩,是中樞神經主要通道,脊椎神經系統聯繫並支配身體其他身理系統,脊椎神經醫學著重發揮人體原有的復原能力, CHIROPRACTIC 由希臘文 CHEIRO PRATIKOS 演化而成,意思就是「親手而成」,脊椎神經始祖D.D.Palmer醫師名言: 「Disease is a lack of co-ordination between innate, the source of power, and its expression. 」描述了認為身體擁有自癒平和的能力。許多功能性疾病是由於身體脊椎、骨節、神經及肌腱系統的運作不平衡所致,脊醫強調功能性疾病的預防及治療應從恢復身體功能平衡為主,脊椎神經醫學認為脊椎關節錯位(Vertebral Subluxation)便會直接或間接干擾神經傳導(Nerve Interference)造成病痛,追溯自1895年,Harvey Lillard是第一位蒙受脊椎神經調整治癒病人,在D.D Palmer醫師診斷兩次徒手調整,他恢復了自17歲失聰的聽力,脊椎神經醫學透過觸診配合X光片等許多診斷工具、透過雙手或輔助工具調整錯位的脊椎、骨節、神經及肌腱系統使病人的身體功能恢復平衡,痛症消失。



  8月份21歲的弟弟跟朋友到美國,兩週內許多的時間都在學校診所中,X光後接受了4次的調整,在他Base Posterior 角度X光中顯示頸椎弧度左右兩邊差異度是大到臨床職業30多年的教授都沒見過,記得當他接受第一個Balir Chiropractic 脊椎技術調整的那一瞬間,姊姊我眼淚是噴出來,我不知道我是這麼愛他,從小拿著重大傷病卡的孩子經常感冒一中獎就是頭痛鼻塞很多天,在那一刻我深信脊椎神經醫學是盼望。父母親12月來到美國一起過聖誕的期間,一下飛機我就載著她們到學校診所報到,兩個填著滿滿的病歷紀錄表一度填到睡著,兩天後他們兩人第一次也接受 Blair Chiropractic脊椎技術調整第一節頸椎,媽媽出國前一直跟我說顳顎關節痛吃東西沒力氣,短短幾天後看見她享受吃著各式各國料理,爸爸在脊椎調整加上脊椎神經醫師透過肌肉能量測試評估使用草本治療後,好幾年來容易出眼屎流淚的眼睛變得乾淨明亮,整個人的氣色在短短三週不到的時間中大大的改變,謝謝我的家人支持在我離開常規的跑道持續學習,謝謝主耶穌帶我來到美國認識祂,帶領全家人認識祂成為全家族第一代基督徒,我們家從破碎的愛修復家庭關係,不平衡的生理器官得到整理,傷痕累累的心靈得到醫治,願有更多的人有機會認識脊椎神經醫療,也有更多的人認識那位愛我們總是給予我們最好的主耶穌。

Recent Donors 11

  • Lihwern Weng

    USD 50 02/05/2019 04:02:56 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    USD 160 01/27/2019 12:27:38 AM UTC

  • 玲利 劉

    TWD 500 01/26/2019 09:16:28 AM UTC


    TWD 1,000 01/25/2019 05:31:36 AM UTC

  • 玲蘭 劉

    TWD 2,200 01/24/2019 03:08:21 PM UTC

  • Chan Yie Chang

    TWD 2,200 01/24/2019 11:23:55 AM UTC

  • Liu Ling

    TWD 5,000 01/23/2019 02:28:38 AM UTC

  • Patrick Lin

    Hope you have a wonderful mission trip!

    TWD 3,000 01/22/2019 05:03:00 PM UTC

  • Yichun Chiang

    wish you have an enrich journey in India😉

    TWD 1,000 01/22/2019 03:08:58 PM UTC

  • Lin ChihHui

    TWD 2,200 01/22/2019 06:14:19 AM UTC

  • Yi-Ting Lo

    TWD 1,000 01/21/2019 04:33:38 PM UTC