
聯合國難民署 UNHCR

  • Hong Kong    Children, Disaster Relief, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees, Rescue, Women

聯合國難民署 UNHCR

20億公里  求生之路一步一希望 難民家庭為求生存而竭盡所能地逃難。面臨越來越多的全球危機,被迫逃離家園的人數也越多。大家必須採取合作團結的行動,確保這些家庭的安全受到保障。
2 BILLION KILOMETRES TO SAFETY Families who have been forced to flee make extraordinary efforts to survive. In solidarity with them, at a time when there are more and more global crises forcing people from their homes, we are coming together to honor their resilience and determination to keep their families safe.

在這 12 個月裡,讓我們一起挑戰 20 億公里,體驗難民每年 20 億公里逃離家園的求生之路。由南蘇丹到烏干達,緬甸到孟加拉,敍利亞到約旦,難民飽受一段段艱辛、漫長而危險的路程。與兩個兒女和家人一起逃離緬甸前往孟加拉以尋求庇護的 Alin 表示:「路途非常艱辛,我們必須徒步穿過密林和山脈逃難。」 Together, we are challenging ourselves to cover two billion kilometres in 12 months, just as refugees worldwide do each year to reach the nearest point of safety. From South Sudan to Uganda, Myanmar to Bangladesh, Syria to Jordan; they have endured long, dangerous and difficult journeys. “It was a very terrible journey, we had to cross jungle and climb huge hills”, says Alin who fled Myanmar and carried her two young children for ten days until they reached safety.

透過團結的力量,我們可以更深入了解難民的情況,並籌款保護他們,協助他們重建生活。Through this collective effort we will show our solidarity, build better understanding of refugees and raise money to protect refugees and help them to rebuild their lives.

關於聯合國難民署 About UNHCR

20 億公里  求生之路是聯合國難民署主辦的全球運動。聯合國難民署致力確保每一個人享有尋求庇護的權利。聯合國難民署率先指導和協調全球行動,為保護難民並尋求難民問題解決方案,提供拯救生命的援助,包括庇護所、食物和食水,及維護他們應有的權利和權益。 This global movement is being organised by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. We are the world’s leading organisation dedicated to supporting people forced to flee or those deprived of a nationality. We lead international action to protect them, deliver life-saving assistance like shelter, food and water, and help to safeguard fundamental human rights.

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