Fundraising Event

Fai Chun Challenge 揮春挑戰

  • 12/02/2018 - 28/03/2018
  • Hong Kong

About Event

The Fai Chun Challenge is an awareness and fundraising initiative developed by a team of passionate students from the City University of Hong Kong, in support of the charity HandsOn Hong Kong.

Kicking off on February 12th 2018, the challenge raises funds to support HandsOn programs for people with physical disabilities and at the same time generates awareness of the obstacles these individuals face—and overcome—every day of their lives. 

Everyone who takes part in the challenge is showing their solidarity with people with disabilities by shining a light on how hard it is to complete a simple task such as writing Fai Chun without the full use of their hands. Find out how you can get involved

Lunar New Year is all about giving and sharing blessings so support the Fai Chun Challenge today by making a donation and help us to give back to the community at this special time of year!

For more information, please visit our event website.

揮春挑戰是由一群來自香港城市大學的學生發起的籌款活動。希望藉此挑戰,支持慈善機構 牽手・香港 HandsOn Hong Kong

揮春挑戰於2018年2月12日揭開序幕,透過活動籌集資金,支持由牽手・香港 HandsOn Hong Kong舉辦的義工服務,為殘障人士提供幫助。活動同時提高大眾對殘障人士的認識,了解他們日常生活所面對的困難。

寫揮春對我們來說或許是易如反掌, 但對殘障人士來說卻截然不同。參加者可以透過參與寫揮春挑戰,展現對殘障人士的支持。欲了解更多可點擊參與

