New Life Foundation

Thailand     Education,Emotional Support,Health

Fundraisers ( 50 Results )

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

As all of you know, last year I discovered a great place called New Life Foundation. It's a mindfull community for people from all over the world to reflect and learn about mind, body and soul. When I arrived here in December, it was like a new world opening, meeting likiminded people, learning about Buddhism, yoga, healthy food, sustainable living,inner growth and more mindfull living. I found it so interesting that I am here for the second time. Again, I am meeting so many incredibly interesting people with a huge heart. Most of them suffered a lot in their past and came here to find themselves, new meaning and purpose in life again. Some of these people wouldn't be able to recover if the community wasn't this affordable. Thanks to donations from all over the world we can attract professional life coaches and other basic accommodation and food. To keep providing these services to all people, especially those without the necessary means, we need more funds. To show my gratefulness to this place I would like to collect some funds for the foundation. As I'm 100% convinced that this place can help thousands of people all over the world , I would love to support them. And as it is a foundation they don't make any profit but of course they need Somme donations for providing a good service. In the next few months they will build a house for the life coaching program and they need like 400.000 bath (9000 euro) for that. As I have experienced myself how useful these life coachings are, I would like to ask your support as well. Even If you can only give like 10 euros, it will help us already a lot. Thanks a lot Sebastien  

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Raised So Far : THB 159,000

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. This is my third week working as a volunteer at New Life Foundation and it has been an deep and rewarding experience. The community works together supporting each other on their life journeys. It's beautiful to see and take part of it. I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation. They need to improve some facilities and have a new building to the life coaching sessions. I've been offering life coaching/therapy sessions here and this is definitely a place to come to recover and find more balance in life. Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Fernando Aguiar  

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Raised So Far : THB 1,340

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. This place has saved my life and many others... I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob at the huge shopping centre at the end of the month, yes! i will be dancing!! So please sponsor and support me in my preparation... thanks, Brian McCarthy :)  

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Raised So Far : THB 4,500

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hello dear friends, For the past 2 weeks I have been working as a volunteer in an amazing place: New Life Foundation. Here is a place of love, acceptance and healing and I feel really blessed to have this opportunity. More than sharing some news with friends and family I would like to ask you one thing: please open your heart and your pocket for a great cause! Why am I asking this? Because our community needs a new room for therapeutic sessions(a really important part of this amazing project!)and because I believe in the work that is done here. You can find out more about New Life Foundation here in this page. Or if you want to know more about my experience here just send me a message. Through you can make safe and secure donations. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to this project. Using this given platform is really simple. This is my page for raising founds and it allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 also aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation. I promise to share some photos and maybe even a video after! :) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Carolina Beltrao  

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Raised So Far : THB 6,600

Target : THB 10,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Help me reach my fundraising goal by clicking on the donate now button! ☆このページについて☆ こんにちは。 ニューライフ・ファンデーションは、アジアの国タイ北部の美しい田園に囲まれるここチェンライで、依存、ストレス、バーンアウト、人間関係、虐待や鬱などに苦しむ世界中から集まる人たちのための、インターナショナル・リカバリー・コミュニティです。 ここでの主なミッションは、人の心の成長を促すライフスタイルを開拓して、その人が再び人生における意味と目的をとりもどしていけるような手助けを行っていこうというものです。 コミュニティでは、タイで信仰されている小乗仏教による瞑想を、生活やプログラムのあらゆる場面にとりいれることで、瞑想によってなされるといわれる「サティ(mindfulness・日本の大乗仏教では「念(nen)」と呼ぶそうです。)」を学び、実践し、メンバーの心の癒しと成長を促していこうという試みがされています。 ニューライフ・ファンデーションでのミッション 1. アディクション、ストレス、バーンアウト、人間関係、虐待や鬱に苦しむ人のための、リカバリー・コミュニティをつくりあげていくこと。 2. ユニークかつ水準の高いリカバリープログラムを低い価格で提供していくこと。 3. プログラムを受けるレジデントのポテンシャルを引き出し、尊厳と責任のもと、持続的かつ健全なライフスタイルを確立していけるガイダンスを提供する個人コーチング・プログラムの開発。 4. メンバーの活動環境の、すべてが、マインドフルネスと心の成長を助けるような場となる組織づくり。 5. メンバー全員に健康な食生活を提供していくためのオーガニック農業の開拓。 6. オーガニック農業を学びたいメンバーのためのラーニング・センターとなること。 7. マインドフルネスや心の癒し、成長や活動を学ぶ人のための教育センターとなること。 8. コミュニティが育てる作物や農業作品、およびコミュニティで行われるさまざまワークショップと活動を通じて、経済的なリソースを得ること。 9. そして、学びや魂の成長、マインドフルネスの実践への愛をもったスタッフによる組織作り。 低い価格で、ユニークかつ高水準、効果的なリカバリー・プログラムの提供がニューライフ・ファンデーションのミッションのひとつです。そのため、コミュニティではコストを最低限に抑える試みがなされています。 ここでの日々の費用の多くは、寄付でまかなわれています。この若く、しかしすでに多くの実績をあげている希望に満ちたリカバリー・コミュニティでの活動に、どうかぜひみなさんの力をお貸しいただけませんか。 右側の、「DONATE NOW!」ボタンをクリックすると、セキュリティ保護のページから、寄付ページにすすむことができます。 左側の、100、500の数字は、すべてタイ・バーツです。(現在、100バーツ=約310円) クレジットカード、またはペイパルでは送金はとても簡単です! Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Mayumi Kamiya  

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Raised So Far : THB 1,000

Target : THB 30,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hello everyone, you might be surprised first of all to hear from me at all, and secondly maybe indignant that the purpose of the email is to ask for money - no, not for moi-meme, but for New Life Foundation where I've been staying since mid-February. But please don't delete me yet! NLF is a mindful community based on Buddhist principles which is dedicated to the recovery of alcoholics, addicts, people with anxiety or depression, and others suffering from stress or burnout. Sounds like a truly miserable place, huh? See the video below (with an appearance by moi just towards the end) for the joyful reality! NLF is fiscally conservative, it grows as much of its own food as possible, recycles EVERYTHING, and keeps its fees incredibly low to enable anybody to afford it. It also awards scholarships. Now it needs a new building to house its expanding life-coaching staff. The princely sum they need to raise is 9000 euro! That's because we volunteers and residents will be building the bloody thing, just like we're building the adobe house and the round house for staff. But materials will have to be paid for and that's where I hope you'll come in. A modest donation from you to help reach this very modest goal would be a much appreciated gift. And in return, I am going to make a fool of myself along with the other fools here in a flash mob in the next few weeks in Chiang Rai. Now follows the official PR blurb: Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob at the end of the month and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Back to me now: That's it folks. This place has been a wonderful help to me in my recovery from the stress of the last 18 months and I've seen the miraculous changes in others coming here with broken lives. My appreciation of the work of NLF compels me out of my comfort zone to ask you for a donation, if you have any spare change. And merci bien if you do. Best, Finn Finn O'Gorman  

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Raised So Far : THB 10,450

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hello from Thailand! I am currently staying in an amazing community in the north of Thailand called 'New Life Foundation'. Not only is this a place for people recovering from addictions but it is an environment for anybody seeking refuge and healing. I have personally benefited from various workshops, bodywork, meditation, natural building, and sustainable living. The best part of New Life is working with wonderful people who help each other and create a harmonious environment which encourages growth in everyone. Without this foundation, which operates on a donation of affordability, people in genuine need would not have the opportunity to change their lives and create a hopeful future. Having travelled for 8 months, New Life is a truly inspiring way to end my trip. As a way of giving back to the community I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob later this month and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation. The funds raised will help to construct buildings for further healing sessions that are invaluable in rebuilding people's lives. Please donate as little or as much as you can afford. Thank you so much! Bryony Clarke  

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Raised So Far : THB 5,000

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thanks for visiting this page. As most of you know for the last year I've been fortunate enough to live and work at a wonderful foundation in Thailand called New Life Foundation. The mission of New Life is simple: to offer a fresh start and new perspective on life for all who come to stay with us. One of the greatest joys of working at New Life as a life coach is to witness individual growth and transformation on a daily basis...and the reason that New Life is fundraising is to be able to offer even more life coaching capacity- more body work, more space for individual sessions. And that's why I'm asking for donations- so that we can construct a new building for coaching and other activities. Please know that every pound/dollar/euro/baht all help; and that your money will go towards enabling more people to experience their true potential. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Samina Khan  

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Raised So Far : THB 11,500

Target : THB 15,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thanks for visiting this page! As you may know, for the last 10 months, I've been fortunate enough to live and work at a wonderful foundation in Thailand called ‘New Life Foundation’. NLF is a non-profit organisation set up by generous donations of a few people. The mission of NLF is simple: to offer a fresh start and new perspective on life for all who come to stay with us, at very affordable prices. One of the greatest joys of working at New Life as a life coach is to witness individual growth and transformation on a daily basis... More on this in the mini documentary: Due to the growing needs of the community there is a big need to have an additional Life Coach Building so that we can offer more life coaching, body work, therapies & activities. The aim is to fundraise so that this building can be created. It will largely be built by Volunteers and Residents in the Community using mud bricks and other natural resources. However, some local expertise and materials are needed and that's why this fundraising campaign has been set up. I, along with members of the community, will be taking part in some fun fundraising activities... We will be holding 3 FLASHMOB EVENTS in Chiang Rai Plaza, which will involve singing, dancing, drums, collective humiliation, and ....maybe even cups! The community aims to raise 400,000 Thai Baht / €9,000 (1,000 THB = €22.50 approx), and to commence construction after the rainy season in October 2014. To help the community reach this target I have set up this personal fundraising page with a goal to raise 10,000 THB (€225)to help contribute to the funds. If you feel inspired, I would love it if you would join me in supporting New Life's work by giving whatever you can. If you would like to sponsor me you can make safe and secure donations through PayPal or by credit card (in Thai Baht) by clicking on the "Donate Now" icon above. Using this platform is really simple. Please feel free to also share my page with friends, voice encouragement, or even join me and get involved yourself! Please know that every pound / dollar / euro / baht all help; and that any money donated will go towards enabling more people to experience their true potential. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to the foundation. Any additional funds raised will go directly to scholarships for people who need, yet cannot afford, the program here. With much gratitude, Ciara Mc Ardle  

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Raised So Far : THB 0

Target : THB 10,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Dear Friends, I am aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation. NEW LIFE FOUNDATION IS IN NEED OF EXPANDING ITS LIFE COACHING AND THERAPEUTIC FACILITIES IN ORDER TO CATER TO THE GROWING NEEDS OF OUR HEALING COMMUNITY. Our proposed solution to our space problem is to build an additional building in which staff and volunteers can offer life coaching and therapy to the residents. We would build this ourselves, using mud bricks and other natural materials. This way, we can keep the cost as low as possible. All labor will be donated by our own volunteers, except for the more specialized work, which will be done by local village labourers. We aim to raise 400 000 Thai Baht and to commence construction after the rainy season in October 2014. Finances raised will go towards: concrete, windows, tiles, roofing, plumbing, paint, electrical wiring, water filtration, and hiring local villagers to do some of the construction work that that we can’t do ourselves. Please dig deep and donate, every little counts!  

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Raised So Far : THB 1,600

Target : THB 5,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hoi aan allen, iedereen herinnert zich nog wel het verhaal van Johan Hanssen, de Belg die zo sterk in de goedheid van de mens gelooft, dat hij enkele jaren geleden een mindful community in Thailand oprichtte. Hier komen mensen vanuit de hele wereld samen om na te denken over een betere wereld. Recent hebben we hierover nog een verbluffend filmpje gemaakt ( Echter niet iedereen heeft de middelen om een community op te richten maar vele mensen willen toch op één of andere manier bijdragen. Dat kan vanaf vandaag :-) In oktober 2014 kunnen we dankzij ons succes en de groei een derde huis beginnen bouwen. Zoals altijd doen we dit helemaal zelf en met enkel natuurlijke middelen. En het mooie is: JIJ kan eigenaar worden van dit gebouw en op die manier zowel de community als de mensen die het nodig hebben, helpen groeien. Met een kleine en vrij donatie, participeer je al in de bouw van het huis. Wij houden je via fotos op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen en binnen enkele maanden kan jij met trots zeggen dat je mede-eigenaar van een natural building huis in Thailand. Maar bovenal dat je mensen die het nodig hebben, helpt met jouw bijdrage. Elke bijdrage is welkom, alvast bedankt, Kevin  

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Raised So Far : THB 500

Target : THB 1,000,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Bonjour à tous! (English below) Comme certains d’entre vous le savent, j’habite dans une communauté de développement personnel dans le nord de la Thaïlande depuis la mi-décembre 2013, la New Life Foundation (NLF - Nous sommes une soixantaine d’Occidentaux qui se retrouvent ici pour toutes sortes de raisons. Certains veulent faire de la méditation et du yoga pendant deux semaines, d’autres veulent faire du coaching, d’autres veulent se reposer en nature ou faire du bénévolat pour une bonne cause, d’autres sont en réadaptation après des problèmes de dépendance. Pour ma part, je suis bénévole et je fais partie de l’équipe d’écoconstruction. Depuis sa création il y a quatre ans, plus de 1500 personnes sont passées par la NLF. La formule fonctionne et fait une différence dans la vie des gens qui passent par ici, dont moi. Nous avons quatre psychothérapeutes et plusieurs autres thérapeutes qui travaillent avec différentes modalités. Nous manquons d’espace, et nous voulons construire un nouveau bâtiment de thérapie. J’espère faire partie de l’équipe de construction, pourvu que les travaux commencent prochainement. D’où cette collecte de fonds. Tous les sous recueillis serviront à l’achat des matériaux. Si le cœur vous en dit, si vous avez quelques dollars à donner à une bonne cause, votre don sera très utile et aura un effet concret pour les centaines de personnes qui recevront des séances de thérapie dans ce futur bâtiment. Je vous remercie d’avance pour votre générosité. Philippe As some of you know, I've been living in a personal development community in Northern Thailand called New Life Foundation ( since December 2013. I love this place for many reasons, but most of all its dedication to helping people grow past their difficulties. We're fundraising to build a new life-coaching building, and I'm hoping you can help. The building will be built by volunteers like me, and your donation will go toward buying materials. Since the Foundation's creation four years ago, 1500 people have stayed here and changed their life. Your donation will impact the life of the many thousands who will visit in the coming years. Thanks for your generosity. Philippe  

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Raised So Far : THB 5,000

Target : THB 20,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Dear Friends and Family, A big hello from the sunny and sweaty mountain side of Thailand! :) As some of you may know, I have been living in a mindfulness community nestled in the mountains and forests outside of Chiang Rai, Thailand, called New Life Foundation. My initial plan was to volunteer here for one month, commencing in mid-April, but now it's June and I'm still here. :) There is something very special about New Life, something intangible that makes it even magical, so much so that I can't seem to leave. Over the past month and a half, I have learnt so much about earth building, sustainable living, meditation, yoga, tai chi and mindfulness. More importantly, I am starting to feel a profound shift within myself, rediscovering my true self, accepting my past experiences and finding balance, clarity and peace. Never in my life have I felt so loved and supported, as I have here. We all gather together as a community from all very different walks of life, but at the same time, there can be so much joy and laughter in the air, which makes New Life a very unique place, one of its kind in the world. As the community is expanding there is a growing need to upgrade our life coaching and therapy facilities, creating more space for an affordable and accessible program for everyone. I am here to ask for support and a contribution to this spectacular non-profit organization. Every little donation counts to make this community thrive and prosper, encouraging people to foster inner growth and find meaning and purpose for their new lives. For 1000 baht (~$33 cad), your name will be displayed on the new building as a contributor. For 2000 baht (~$67 cad), you will receive a handmade and written thank you card by me. For 3000 baht, (~$100 cad) you will receive a 20 second bear hug from me! Please visit our event for more information about our project: Through you can make safe and secure donations. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Also, I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 28/06/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Thank you for all your love and support! Much love, Sylvia :)  

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Raised So Far : THB 4,000

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hoi iedereen! Zoals de meesten van jullie weten heb ik de afgelopen twee jaar in een stichting in het noorden van Thailand gewoond en gewerkt. Een non profit organisatie die mensen die vast lopen in het leven, in een moeijke fase van hun leven zitten, verslavingsproblemen hebben of met depressie zitten etc, helpen. Mensen van over de hele wereld komen hier om voor een tijdje in de gemeenschap te wonen en een programma te volgen dat een mooi alternatief biedt voor wat er ons in Nederland of andere landen aangeboden wordt en wat uiterst betaalbaar is en zelfs gratis als men echt geen geld heeft. Ik heb hier veel mensen leren kennen die veel baat hebben gehad bij het programma wat hier aangeboden wordt. Ik ben zelf dan ook blij deel uit te maken van dit project. Hier onder een filmpje wat goed weergeeft wat we hier doen (, in ieder geval als je wat Engels spreekt (: De stichting is nog maar vier jaar oud en is snel gegroeid, wat heel goed is natuurlijk,maar wat ook betekent dat we plek te kort hebben voor therepeuten en andere vrijwilligers om het werk hier te doen. Aangezien we niet het geld hebben om een nieuw gebouw te bouwen, zijn we gestart om te fundraisen(geld in te zamelen). We gaan ook verschillende flashmobs uitvoeren hiervoor, waar ik aan deelneem. Dat gaat een een dans act zijn in het winkel centrum in de stad. Zonet mijn eerste donatie al ontvangen op mijn fundraise pagina van een anonieme schenker. Elke euro die je doneert is welkom (:  

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Raised So Far : THB 6,100

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

²Hallo, Zoals jullie misschien weten verblijf ik sinds januari in Thailand inn The New Life Founndation.Dit is een international mindfull community in het noorden van Thailand. Ik kwam hier met de bedoeling me beter in m'n vel te voelen.Na een paar weken voelde ik lij veranderen en besloot ik langer te blijven. Nu,na drie maanden ben ik long-term volunteer wat inhoud dat ik voor de stichting werk en de nieuwe mensen ook help in hun recovery. Als wederdienst voor deze non profit organisatie wil ik graag meehelpen donaties verzamelen voor het bouwen van een nieuw gebouw voor de life-coaches alsook een betere sevice te verlenen. In de komende maanden trachten we met verschillende acties een bedrag van 400.000Bath (9.000 euro)te verzamelen. Daarom zou ik willen vragen indien mogelijk dat ook jullie dit project steunen. Al is het maar een klein bedrag,ook dit zal ons helpen. Dank bij voorbaat, Serge Malingreau  

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Raised So Far : THB 7,500

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I just spend a few days at the foundation and could see what a special, even unique place this is. Accessible to everyone and to keep it accessible to everyone they need funds. Every donation makes a difference. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor us. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to the charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. Caroline  

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Raised So Far : THB 45,000

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting our fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor our community. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to our charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. This page allows you to follow the progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join and get involved yourself! We will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation. Please dig deep and donate and help to maintain this beautiful place in northern Thailand, where you can learn a lot about yourself and others. It definitely does somethig good for me and the people that are here with me. Andrea Lehmann  

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Raised So Far : THB 1,000

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hoi aan allen, iedereen herinnert zich nog wel het verhaal van Johan Hanssen, de Belg die zo sterk in de goedheid van de mens gelooft, dat hij enkele jaren geleden een mindful community in Thailand oprichtte. Hier komen mensen vanuit de hele wereld samen om na te denken over een betere wereld. Recent hebben we hierover nog een verbluffend filmpje gemaakt ( Echter niet iedereen heeft de middelen om een community op te richten maar vele mensen willen toch op één of andere manier bijdragen. Dat kan vanaf vandaag :-) In oktober 2014 kunnen we dankzij ons succes en de groei een derde huis beginnen bouwen. Zoals altijd doen we dit helemaal zelf en met enkel natuurlijke middelen. En het mooie is: JIJ kan eigenaar worden van dit gebouw en op die manier zowel de community als de mensen die het nodig hebben, helpen groeien. Met een kleine en vrij donatie, participeer je al in de bouw van het huis. Wij houden je via fotos op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen en binnen enkele maanden kan jij met trots zeggen dat je mede-eigenaar van een natural building huis in Thailand. Maar bovenal dat je mensen die het nodig hebben, helpt met jouw bijdrage. Elke bijdrage is welkom, alvast bedankt, Kevin  

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Raised So Far : THB 100

Target : THB 0

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Madelaine Klerk  

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Raised So Far : THB 1,500

Target : THB 40,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Jocel Bibera  

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Raised So Far : THB 0

Target : THB 40,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Jocel Bibera  

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Raised So Far : THB 0

Target : THB 40,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Song for Space Fundraising Flashmob in 26/05/2014 and aiming to raise money for New Life Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Jocel Bibera  

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Raised So Far : THB 0

Target : THB 40,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

I will be joining a flash mob in aid of the New Life Foundation's Song for Space Fundraising Event! We are desperately looking to expand our life coaching and therapeutic facilities to cater for the growing needs of our community. In order to accomplish our goals we require your assistance to realize this dream. Our proposed solution to our space problem is to build an additional building in which staff and volunteers can offer life coaching and therapy to the residents. We would build this ourselves, using mud bricks and other natural materials. This way, we can keep the cost as low as possible. All labor will be donated by our own volunteers, except for the more specialized work, which will be done by local village labourers. Funds raised will go towards the following: • Concrete • Windows (frames/glass) • Tiles • Roofing • Plumbing • Paint • Electricity supplies • Drinking water filtration system • Hiring local village labourers to do some of the construction work that that we can't do ourselves Addiction and depression often lead to the depletion of financial private funds and here at New Life we aim to assist residents in dire need of financial aid on their road to recovery with a scholarship program. Any additional funds raised will go towards the scholarship program for residents in need. IN ORDER TO RAISE FUNDS, WE WILL BE HOLDING 3 FLASH MOB EVENTS AT CHIANG RAI PLAZA! IT'S GOING TO BE LOTS OF FUN, AND WILL INVOLVE SINGING, DANCING, DRUMS, COLLECTIVE HUMILIATION, AND...CUPS! We aim to raise 400 000 Thai Baht (about 12,200 USD /9000 euros/7200 GBP) and to commence construction after the rainy season in October 2014. To help reach this target I have set a personal goal to raise 10,000 THB and would love it if you would join me in supporting New Life's work by giving whatever you can. If you would like to sponsor me you can make safe and secure donations through PayPal or by credit card (in Thai Baht) by clicking on the "Donate Now" icon above. Using this platform is really simple. Please feel free to also share my page with friends, voice encouragement, or even join me and get involved yourself! The proceeds of your support will immediately be sent to the New Life Foundation and used entirely to fund the Song for Space Project. To make the donation maths easy 100USD = approx. 3000THB, 50USD = approx.1500THB, and 5USD = approx.150THB / 50GBP = approx. 2,470THB, 25 GBP = approx. 1235THB, and 5GBP = approx. 247THB. Remember that in Thailand even a small donation can go a long way so please dig deep and give what you can. Every little bit counts! Love and kindness from Chiang Rai Julien Gryp  

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Raised So Far : THB 8,600

Target : THB 40,000

Fundraising for:
New Life Foundation

Dear family and friends, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I will be fundraising money for a New Life For Naha, a 35 year old severely physically & mentally handicapped woman whose family has no resources to help. New Life Foundation wants to gave her a better life by raising money for her. Naha lives in a tiny, dark hut with no windows, a hole in the floor to use as a toilet and no indoor washing facilities. She can't get around and spends her life crawling around her broken down hut and the small adjacent platform. Naha’s mother is unable to care for her sufficiently, and as a result her basic needs in terms of personal hygiene and dignity are not met. Her situation is heartbreaking. (Please see photo's below attached). New Life Foundation wants to improve Naha’s quality of life. We plan to build her a new wooden hut, with a toilet and shower, and separate a living area. The new hut will have windows to let in sunlight, and a wooden roof to replace the stiflingly hot corrugated steel roof she currently lives under. It will also have a small ramp to enable Naha to use a wheelchair which was recently donated but which currently sits unused because her hut, like others in the village, is on stilts. We will also arrange for her to receive ongoing physical therapy, to stimulate her neglected limbs. My time at New Life has changed my life for the better and I really want to give something back by helping this appeal. Please help me to give back by making a donation, big or small, as I raise money to help improve Naha's quality of life. Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Sending you lots of Light & Love for your donation. Kind regards, Chien Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself!  

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Raised So Far : THB 500

Target : THB 20,000