Fundraising Event

Team Manulife 2019 - For Angkor Hospital for Children

  • 5/30/2019 - 12/31/2019
  • Cambodia
Raised So Far USD 48,908
97% Complete
Target : USD 50,000

Fundraisers ( 10 Results )


Raised So Far : USD 503

Target : USD 500


Raised So Far : USD 500

Target : USD 500


Raised So Far : USD 2,122

Target : USD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

It is my pleasure to participate in the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon for the third year running! The atmosphere of the participants and spectators will be electric as we run through the famous temple of Angkor Wat and, at Angkor Thom, the Bayon temple with its countless sculptural decorations which are world class! But more importantly, the funds raised go to supporting the Angkor Hospital for Children, a cause close to our hearts at Manulife! Decisions made easier. Lives made better.  

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Raised So Far : USD 3,114

Target : USD 2,000

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

The Angkor Children's Hospital in Siem Reap was founded 20 years ago and has since grown into a comprehensive healthcare organisation. Preventing childhood mortality and morbidity is a core pillar of AHC’s mission. AHC’s vision is that all Cambodian children will have access to high quality, compassionate healthcare. Wherever they live, and whatever their ability to pay. All treatment, medicine, and follow up care provided by AHC is completely free.  As a result, AHC needs to raise a total of US$6.5mn annually. The hospital treats hundreds of patients daily; in general paediatrics, specialist and also intensive care. There are currently 80 doctors and over 200 nurses at AHC. All full time medical staff are Cambodian. In 2018, AHC provided approximately 160,000 medical treatments to children from all over Cambodia, and we could not have done it without your generous support. Every dollar makes a difference. This is how your donation will help:$6 One counselling session for a patient to prepare for surgery, or aid in recovery$10 Consultation for one patient with AHC's Cardiothoracic specialist$50 Train one Undergraduate Nursing student at AHC for 2 weeks$100 One stethoscope$250 One day of lifesaving Intensive Care for one patient$750 One PDA heart surgery$5,000 One defibrillator machine that treats life threatening heart conditionsPlease help us make a difference in the lives of Cambodia's children by donating today.  

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Raised So Far : USD 2,395

Target : USD 2,000

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

China (mainland) team.  

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Raised So Far : USD 19

Target : USD 500

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

Similar to the past 3 years, we are fundraising for the Angkor Wat childrens' hospital in Siem Reap.These donations go VERY far - just a few dollars will save lives and provide children with proper care and immunization. 50 dollars pay for most surgeries. 100 dollars pay for the education of a nurse that will then be able to treat children in their home villages.We had the opportunity to visit the hospital a few times. The love and care that the staff gives to the children is remarkable. Some families walk for a hundred miles to get treatment for their sick child as they cannot pay for treatment in their home towns.  

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Raised So Far : USD 963

Target : USD 500

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

ក្រុមហ៊ុន មេនូឡាយហ្វ៍ប្ដេជ្ញាក្នុងការជួយមនុស្សឱ្យរស់នៅកាន់តែមានសុខភាពល្អ និងមានជីវិតកាន់តែសកម្ម។ ជាផ្នែកនៃការឧបត្ថម្ភរបស់យើងនៅក្នុងទិវារត់ប្រណាំងអន្តរជាតិពាក់កណ្ដាលម៉ារ៉ាតុងនៅអង្គរវត្តនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ក្រុមអ្នករត់ប្រណាំងមេនូឡាយហ្វ៍កំពុងរៃអង្គាសប្រាក់សម្រាប់មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ (AHC) សម្រាប់ឆ្នាំទីប្រាំមួយនេះ។   មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៩ ហើយរីកលូតលាស់ក្លាយជាស្ថាប័នថែទាំសុខភាពទាំងស្រុងក្នុងការព្យាបាលអ្នកជំងឺ រាប់រយនាក់ជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ។ ការព្យាបាល ថ្នាំ និងការតាមដានសុខភាពទាំងអស់ដែលបានផ្ដល់ដោយមន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរមិនមានការគិតថ្លៃនោះទេ។ មន្ទីរពេទ្យនេះពិនិត្យអ្នកជំងឺប្រហែល ៥០០ នាក់ជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ដោយមានការពិនិត្យជំងឺកុមារទូទៅ គ្រូពេទ្យជំនាញ និងការសង្គ្រោះបន្ទាន់។ មន្ទីរពេទ្យនេះស្ថិតក្នុងចំណោមមន្ទីរពេទ្យបីដែលបង្រៀនអំពីការពិនិត្យជំងឺកុមារនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា និងកំពុងត្រួសត្រាយផ្លូវសម្រាប់អ្នកផ្ដល់សេវាថែទាំសុខភាពជំនាន់ក្រោយរបស់ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។ នៅមន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ មានវេជ្ជបណ្ឌិតចំនួន ៨០ នាក់ និងគិលានុបដ្ឋាយិកាចំនួន ២០០ នាក់ ហើយបុគ្គលិកពេទ្យទាំងអស់ដែលបម្រើ ការងារពេញម៉ោងគឺជាជនជាតិខ្មែរ។  ការទប់ស្កាត់ការស្លាប់ និងផ្ទុកជំងឺរបស់កុមារ គឺជាចំណុចស្នូលនៃបេសកកម្មរបស់មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ។ បេសកកម្មរបស់មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរគឺថា នៅថ្ងៃអនាគតកុមារកម្ពុជាទាំងអស់នឹងមានសិទ្ធិទទួលបានការថែទាំសុខភាពដែលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ និងដោយករុណាភាព។ នៅគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងដែលពួកគេរស់នៅ និងមិនថាសមត្ថភាពបង់ប្រាក់របស់ពួកគេប៉ុណ្ណានោះទេ។ ជាលទ្ធផល មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរត្រូវការរៃអង្គាសទឹកប្រាក់សរុបចំនួន ៦,៥ លានដុល្លារអាមេរិកជារៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំ។ នៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០១៧ មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរបានផ្ដល់ការព្យាបាលតាមវេជ្ជសាស្ត្រដល់កុមារមកពីទូទាំងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាចំនួនជាង ១៦០.០០០ នាក់ ហើយយើងមិនអាចធ្វើវាបានដោយគ្មានការគាំទ្រពីទឹកចិត្តសប្បុរសរបស់អ្នកបានទេ។ រាល់ការបរិច្ចាគធ្វើឱ្យមានការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ។ សូមពិនិត្យមើលការបរិច្ចាគរបស់អ្នកនឹងជួយបានដោយរបៀបណា៖ ៦ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់រយៈពេលប្រឹក្សាសម្រាប់អ្នកជំងឺម្នាក់នៅក្នុងអង្គភាពសង្គមកិច្ច ដើម្បីរៀបចំការវះកាត់ ឬជំនួយក្នុងការធ្វើឱ្យជាសះស្បើយឡើងវិញ ១០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់ការប្រឹក្សាសម្រាប់អ្នកជំងឺម្នាក់ជាមួយគ្រូពេទ្យជំនាញផ្នែកបេះដូង និងសួតរបស់មន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គរ ៥០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់បង្វឹកនិស្សិតបរិញ្ញាបត្រផ្នែកគិលានុបដ្ឋាយិកាម្នាក់នៅមន្ទីរពេទ្យកុមារអង្គររយៈពេល ២ សប្ដាហ៍ ១០០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់សោតាទស្សន៍មួយ ២៥០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់ការជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិតរយៈពេលមួយថ្ងៃនៃការសង្គ្រោះបន្ទាន់សម្រាប់អ្នកជំងឺ ១ នាក់ ៧៥០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់ការវះកាត់ជំងឺចំហបេះដូងចំនួនមួយលើក ៥.០០០ ដុល្លារ សម្រាប់ម៉ាស៊ីនស្ទង់ចង្វាក់បេះដូងមួយគ្រឿង ដែលប្រើសម្រាប់ពិនិត្យស្ថានភាពបេះដូងដែលគំរាមកំហែង ដល់អាយុជីវិតកុមារ សូមជួយយើងក្នុងការធ្វើឱ្យមានការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរនៅក្នុងជីវិតរបស់កុមារកម្ពុជាតាមរយៈការបរិច្ចាគនៅថ្ងៃនេះ។ --Manulife is committed to helping people live healthier, more active lives. As part of our sponsorship of the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon in Cambodia, Team Manulife runners are raising money for the Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC). AHC is committed to providing high quality, compassionate care to children in Cambodia, regardless of their ability to pay. Funds raised by Team Manulife runners will support the hospital's cardiac program to help children in Cambodia live longer, healthier lives.  Across AHC’s outpatient and inpatient departments, and its intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical ward, AHC sees over 2,000 cardiology cases a year – all of which are possible due to Manulife’s generous support. Together, Manulife and AHC are creating meaningful impact in paediatric heart healthcare in Cambodia. Every dollar makes a difference. Take a look at how your donation will help:$6 One counselling session for a patient in the Social Work Unit to prepare for surgery or aid in recovery$10 Consultation for one patient with AHC's Cardiothoracic specialist$50 Train one Undergraduate Nursing student at AHC for 2 weeks.$100 One stethoscope$250 One day of lifesaving Intensive Care for 1 patient$750 One PDA heart surgery$5,000 One defibrillator machine that treats life threatening heart conditionsPlease help us make a difference in the lives of Cambodia's children by donating today!  

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Raised So Far : USD 0

Target : USD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

Manulife is committed to helping people live healthier, more active lives. As part of our sponsorship of the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon in Cambodia, Team Manulife runners are raising money for the Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC). AHC is committed to providing high quality, compassionate care to children in Cambodia, regardless of their ability to pay. Funds raised by Team Manulife runners will support the hospital's cardiac program to help children in Cambodia live longer, healthier lives.  Across AHC’s outpatient and inpatient departments, and its intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical ward, AHC sees over 2,000 cardiology cases a year – all of which are possible due to Manulife’s generous support. Together, Manulife and AHC are creating meaningful impact in paediatric heart healthcare in Cambodia. Every dollar makes a difference. Take a look at how your donation will help:$6 One counselling session for a patient in the Social Work Unit to prepare for surgery or aid in recovery$10 Consultation for one patient with AHC's Cardiothoracic specialist$50 Train one Undergraduate Nursing student at AHC for 2 weeks.$100 One stethoscope$250 One day of lifesaving Intensive Care for 1 patient$750 One PDA heart surgery$5,000 One defibrillator machine that treats life threatening heart conditionsPlease help us make a difference in the lives of Cambodia's children by donating today!  

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Raised So Far : USD 0

Target : USD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Angkor Hospital for Children

Manulife is committed to helping people live healthier, more active lives. As part of our sponsorship of the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon in Cambodia, Team Manulife runners are raising money for the Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC). AHC is committed to providing high quality, compassionate care to children in Cambodia, regardless of their ability to pay. Funds raised by Team Manulife runners will support the hospital's cardiac program to help children in Cambodia live longer, healthier lives.  Across AHC’s outpatient and inpatient departments, and its intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical ward, AHC sees over 2,000 cardiology cases a year – all of which are possible due to Manulife’s generous support. Together, Manulife and AHC are creating meaningful impact in paediatric heart healthcare in Cambodia. Every dollar makes a difference. Take a look at how your donation will help:$6 One counselling session for a patient in the Social Work Unit to prepare for surgery or aid in recovery$10 Consultation for one patient with AHC's Cardiothoracic specialist$50 Train one Undergraduate Nursing student at AHC for 2 weeks.$100 One stethoscope$250 One day of lifesaving Intensive Care for 1 patient$750 One PDA heart surgery$5,000 One defibrillator machine that treats life threatening heart conditionsPlease help us make a difference in the lives of Cambodia's children by donating today!  

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Raised So Far : USD 200

Target : USD 1,000